Trouble with significantly impacting my anaerobic training effect...

Hi there. I"m trying to make sure I get a good balance of anaerobic and aerobic activities. I have a Fenix 6x pro solar and a Polar H10 heart rate monitor. 

I know that interval training is supposed to add to anaerobic training load/effect but I've tried different durations and segments of interval training, and I cant seem to find that sweet spot where I'm mainly just impacting my anaerobic fitness.

Yesterday I did 1/4 mile sprints and then rested for 3 min. I did 6 intervals of that. My heart rate got to about 180 during the sprint, and back down to around 148 during the rests. According to the training effect post workout summary, I scored a 3.4 in Aerobic and ONLY a 2.3 for anaerobic. I don't get it.

I'm way over on my Aerobic training load but way under on my anaerobic training load and whenever I try to increase my anaerobic load, it just ends up impacting aerobic more than anything...

Does anyone know what it is that I'm doing 'wrong' here? are the intervals too short? too long? Is my heart rate not fluctuating enough? I'm trying to get this figured out so I dont keep just adding to my already too high aerobic training load every time I try to add to the anaerobic one. I'm also getting really tired of ALWAYS seeing "Unproductive" when checking my training status because of the anaerobic shortage. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



  • Hi Keith. 
    My reply is of no use at all but I’m in exactly the same position. Even when I do specific anaerobic training via my Fenix I still get the same results. 
    sorry this reply is of no help but just wanted to let you know I’m in exactly the same position sir.