training status unproductive on Epix and productive on Edge...

I wonder, what is the reason for this - I have Epix 2 and Edge 530. After detraining it was clear, that I will have some unproductive training status. But now the situation is weird:

* Epix: Training Status: unproductive. VO2Max decreasing. Comment: Based on your cycling VO2 max trend, your fitness is decreasing. 

* Edge: Training Status: productive. 

I don't ride bike with Epix. I use Edge. On Edge my TS is productive (obviously based on my cycling VO2 max trend). So why the hell Epix thinks my cycling VO2 max is decreasing, as Edge thinks something opposite. Even on the vo2max 4-weeks graph on Epix my vo2 max after some decrease is going back up? 

  • * Epix: Training Status: unproductive. VO2Max decreasing. Comment: Based on your cycling VO2 max trend, your fitness is decreasing. 

    * Edge: Training Status: productive.

    I have observed the same, as I was recovering from injury. My VO2 Max plunged, then stabilized, then increased (indoor cycling).

    My assumption is that the Epix is looking at the difference between the end of the period and the beginning of the period, while the Edge is looking based on a shorter period (possibly ride after ride, not sure).

    I came to this conclusion because I have 2 different bikes with different powermeters. The road bike (using Edge) is giving higher power readings than my indoor bike (Epix). Therefore, my VO2max looks always better on the road bike than on the training bike (about 2 points), so my VO2 max curve is wobbly..

    In a week or so, "last 4 weeks" beginning your VO2 max should be at the bottom, around 62.5 apparently, and the end around 64 or above, so you should see the VO2 max saying "increasing".

    However, there is also a PhysioTrueup issue at play. So the Epix is not necessarily picking up the Edge "productive" status. Apparently, I was lucky and my Epix picked my Edge productive status before the bug appeared with the latest release.

    Finally, there is a training status calculation issue with the Epix. It doesn't seem to update, even if the VO2 max, Load, and HRV changes.

    So, in my case, I am stuck with a productive status on the Epix, although the Edge training status is changing.

    Anyway: change in VO2 max change basis, issues with training status calculation, and PhysioTrueup Issues.

  • Thanks, the idea with elix checking for the whole 4 week period may be legit, but if this is it, it does make sense from my perspective. Within 4 week time I may have vo2max drops and peaks, and averaging it doesn't make sense. From my perspective I am definitely in a productive time, as my vo2max started to increase again. But that of course point towards garmin, not to your explanation.

    Regarding the trueup issue I followed the suggestions to turn it on/off on both devices some time ago. Anyway all other trueup data like training load and recovery time is syncing correctly. I have migrated from Fenix 6x and had the impression there it worked correctly, at least last spring/summer. 

  • I've posted the bug since the first edge v14 beta was released. Garmin-Chris asked me to send the GCM logs to engineering to check them but till today the bug persists.

  • It May be the PhysioTrueup issue mention in thread with that said I have had the same issue and Garmin support then explained how it works. I was not aware but now I am.

    The calculation of training status happens on the device, not in the App nor in the cloud.

    Thus if you e.g., have logged some training on your Epix, let us say a running, and then without syncing both devices before taking your edge out on a cycling exercise. Then after the training the edge calculates your training status without take the running event into account. At some point later you may sync both devices and then the epix will get the cycling event and calculates training status but the edge will not get epix running event because that happened BEFORE the exercise on edge.

    Thus be aware that for the devices to be in synch you must synchronize both devices with each other before AND after each training session.

    If you start synchronizing the devices with each other before and after each training then it should correct itself after some time; at least it did it for me

    Hopes this info helps

  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I always sync Edge before training. Edge definitely has info about my epix trainings as it shows proper training load with bars and proper recovery time.

  • Thanks for the link, it is really disappointing what I read there…

    anyway my case became even more weird. I did the last bike training on edge on Wednesday, what resulted with the productive (edge) and unproductive (epix) training status.

    on Thursday I did a run on epix and TS remained unproductive.

    on Friday I swam, also unproductive (i believe swimming doesn’t affect training status at all)

    then, out of nothing on Saturday morning I woke up and without any training my training status changed to Productive. And the explanation is 

    Based on your [b] cycling [/b] vo2max your fitness is steady

    i don’t get the logic at all…