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v9.36 Official Software Fast Battery Drain

I'm going through the battery in 24-48 hours. No apps or fields installed. No GPS activities. Also having sync issues where I have to kill the connect app on Android to get it to sync. I had the same issues on beta now it persists into the production release

  • Doesn't seem to have consistent behavior.

    There appears to be a widespread assumption that energy usage is linear. It isn't. It rises and falls, which is why the best way to determine battery usage is over a period of days...unless you happen to be one of the few unfortunates who appear to be losing battery capacity in hours.

  • why the best way to determine battery usage is over a period of days

    I did that for every charge cycle since I bought the Epix 2 and yes, my watch drains the battery noticeably faster in smartwatch mode than it used to on 8.37. For me, the drain was introduced with the first Q3 alpha. It's improved since then (for me, at least), but it's still roughly 50% higher. I still think that there should've been one more beta version, but I guess they were on a tight schedule.

    I hope Garmin will continue to improve their beta program, because communication was really poor all over the board.

  • As of today, it has now been 25 days since a new alpha or beta was released, one short of the longest gap so far. It seems Garmin is having a lot of trouble fixing this issue.

  • As of today, it has now been 25 days since a new alpha or beta was released, one short of the longest gap so far. It seems Garmin is having a lot of trouble fixing this issue.

    I actually expect an alpha this week, even today - 10.1X

  • Lets hope there is no alpha because they work 200% on fixing the mess they made, this really takes too long from Garmin, and is not good for their reputation also, laughing at another brand while trashing their own devices and fans:(

  • Lets hope there is no alpha because they work 200% on fixing the mess they made

    I am sure they are working to fix many of the issues. The Alpha and Beta builds are part of that very process. When I say I expect an alpha, I expect an Alpha that will come with a list of fixes and probably new features. Will they come with bugs? I am certain that they will. Will they advance the process of delivering on a better experience? I think so,

  • I don't think we'll see new features until the Q4 alpha/beta cycle starts. This is it for Q3, I think.

  • I went from 100% to 88% in 21h. Gesture mode, 30min of GPS. That equals 0.57% per hour.

    My watch is being logged now by Garmin, so they will get statistics of what's happening. 

  • Coincidently, I'm also on about 0.57% an hour, gesture mode, default watch face.

  • i went from approx 6% a day no gps to 10% a day since the last updates