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v9.36 Official Software Fast Battery Drain

I'm going through the battery in 24-48 hours. No apps or fields installed. No GPS activities. Also having sync issues where I have to kill the connect app on Android to get it to sync. I had the same issues on beta now it persists into the production release

  • I’ve the same problem, started noticing it a few days ago I’m sure that the battery is draining very quickly without any changes 

  • I'm worried that all the fast battery draining is going to damage the battery.  Even when they fix the issue. Garmin need to get their fingers out and sort otherwise there is going to be quite a lot of returns due to damaged batteries.

  • 'm worried that all the fast battery draining is going to damage the battery. 

    So like me. Use the Plane Mode when you don't need notifications. And your back to 0.25%/hour....
    And hope for a quick release of 9.34.

  • Unlikely for me the airplane cheat is just slowing down the battery drainage that probably now is at 1.5 vs 2 x rate.

    Garmin should focus on this bug that can shorten the watch life.

  • I wouldn't worry to much about the battery wearing out prematurely. I couldn't find any information on battery degradation on Garmin's website, but I would be very surprised if it saw more than 30% loss of life over 500 cycles. Which is 9.5 years at the current battery life of my watches degraded state. (Based on usual Li-Ion battery wear figures).

  • Yeah, more damage is probably done by charging to 100% every time. I disconnect at around 85% in the hopes it will keep battery health top notch and then charge to 100% for race days and long activities.

  • Didn't even think of that, you are spot on. I used to charge my watch when I was in the shower, that 20-30 min a day kept it going but also kept it from going to 100%. I should get back into that habit (and take shorter showers). 

  • My story with the 9.33 bug:

    1. Tried hard reset (holding Light button for a long time) -> Did NOT help

    2. Factory reset - I hated to do this but the battery life was horrible, I instantly installed my custom watch face + some apps -> Did NOT help

    3. Trying to use vanilla watch face -> Did NOT help. I was REALLY pissed off at this point

    4. Removal of ALL custom watch faces and apps -> THIS helped to resolve my issue, battery life came back to normal.

    Again, this might not solve this for you, thanks god it did it for me,

    Wish you all luck as there are no updates from garmin, I think they must have screwed up some Developer API that the watch faces/apps are using.

  • An update. It's been now 2 weeks or so after the full reset, and  the battery drain is slowly increasing. In the beginning it was about 0.3% per hour. Now it is 0.64% per hour.

    I have a couple of activities recorded so it really looks like once the watch start getting more data, the sync with the phone via Bluetooth increases significantly.

    With v8.37 I got about 10 days with gesture mode and with 5-7 hours of GPS time and 14 days without GPS.

    Now I get barely 9 days with gesture and no GPS. 

  • it was about 0.3% per hour. Now it is 0.64% per hour.

    Try the airplane mode during the night and you will see it is back 0.25% by hour.