Health Snapshot Epix (Gen 2)

Can’t seem to find Health Snapshot feature on Epix 2. HRV is in Data Recording is turned On, but when press upper right buttons for Activity Menu, Health Snapshot doesn’t appear. Tried adding feature from IQ, but didn’t find it there either. What am I missing? Thanks Pray tone1 

  • Did you try to check it trough Glances(bottom/center left button) instead of the Activity menu?
    In the activity menu it's one of the latest activity and it's not among the "favorites" have to press "add" and then scroll among all the other activities that can be add.

  • THANK YOU Thumbsup tone1! Yes, I just found it thanks to you. I hadn’t realized the ‘+’ icon was actually a stand-alone feature icon. As mentioned, I looked in IQ for options and never tried tapping on the ‘+’ for additional features. Many, many thanks for the helpful & timely response.