Do we think there will be a Pro version of the Mk3i released? The outdated hardware (Elevate 4 sensor) of the Mk3i really bugs me.

I am interested in a Mk3i which I would be intending to wear for some years (my Fenix 6 Pro is 5 years old now). However, it really bugs me that the Mk3i comes with older hardware in it, using a pervious generation optical HR sensor that did not integrate the latest developments in ECG and skin temperature. When keeping a watch for years, I don't want it to start with alreadys outdated important hardware like the optical sensor with missing features that are very important for health tracking (for example skin temperature is a reliable indicator of getting sick or when body temp is dropping too low).

As such do you think there will be an updated version of this watch mid-way through the cycle?

  • We will know when Garmin will show new model.

  • Obviously I was asking for opinions from the community about what they think the likelihood is, so your reply is not useful.

  • Buddy no one here knows when or if Garmin will release new products. Your guess is as good as ours. If you care about heart rate accuracy then you'll have to use a chest strap.

  • "Buddy" I am asking for opinions on what people think may happen, not asking for definitive info that someone got from Garmin. It's not a complicate concept to grasp and it wouldn't be the first time people engaged in speculation on this forum. If it bothers you simply press the back button and go read another topic instead of making a completely useless reply. :)

  • I would say. Ask “crystal ball”. 
    In reality you might start to think about new model when rumours start to appear in Internet. 
    But even then, it might be one month or half year. 

  • Look at the history? There was no Mk1 pro, there was no Mk2 pro, expectation naturally is then what?
    We don't have any better information. I wouldn't expect to have any pro versions and i really hope Garmin doesn't start that. Don't give them ideas like that. 

  • Tetchy replies on this topic! fwiw given the consolidation of watches with epix rolled into fenix 8 and dive features on the latter, I wouldn't be surprised if further consolidation occurs. 

    Imo they should have put ai on the fenix 8, and g1 line, and keep it recreational.  I think descent will continue as a premium professional dive watch maybe a microled version for battery, solar would be ideal, though I'd prefer if it were slimmer and a square profile would be more logical for dive data and navigation imo.  I also think navionics maps should be available on the watches it's a travesty they haven't done that, the current maps are v expensive and lost on the resolution amoled or otherwise.  I'd also like mip to return to the descent, I hate amoled on watches.

  • Tetchy replies on this topic! fwiw given the consolidation of watches with epix rolled into fenix 8 and dive features on the latter, I wouldn't be surprised if further consolidation occurs. 

    There was no consolidation that was just branding change. People didn't realize Epix is AMOLED version of Fenix and was asking for AMOLED Fenix. Consolidation would have mean that the Fenix 8 Solar would have been discontinued. 

    Imo they should have put ai on the fenix 8, and g1 line, and keep it recreational. 

    Fenix pricing is already pretty huge, add the cost for AI to it and no. I don't think that is happening and would hurt Fenix sales.

    I'd prefer if it were slimmer and a square profile would be more logical for dive data and navigation imo. 

    I would prefer dive-only Garmin with BIG screen, not a watch, but there's no such thing. Like the most of other dive computers are. 

  • How much does it cost to add AI capability to a watch like the Fenix 8? Is it more than just a software update (not talking about the transceiver hardware obviously)?