Do we think there will be a Pro version of the Mk3i released? The outdated hardware (Elevate 4 sensor) of the Mk3i really bugs me.

I am interested in a Mk3i which I would be intending to wear for some years (my Fenix 6 Pro is 5 years old now). However, it really bugs me that the Mk3i comes with older hardware in it, using a pervious generation optical HR sensor that did not integrate the latest developments in ECG and skin temperature. When keeping a watch for years, I don't want it to start with alreadys outdated important hardware like the optical sensor with missing features that are very important for health tracking (for example skin temperature is a reliable indicator of getting sick or when body temp is dropping too low).

As such do you think there will be an updated version of this watch mid-way through the cycle?

  • Hey Garmin, please give us a Pro edition with updated sensor hardware! :D

  • The transmitter is so expensive that even I it were a feature most wouldn't buy, I kept my t1 but lack of mip screen on mk3i meant I'm waiting before upgrading, I think its more useful than a microphone and speaker which I think is silly on a watch

  • Given no new epix watches i think calling the new fenix 8 a consolidation is accurate.

    I dont think adding ai is expensive, but transmitters are ludicrously priced.  Messaging is a gimmick for recreational diving but may have commercial utility.

    Garmin already produces square versions of some its watches, venu I think, I think descent should fall into that, just square the current diameter do it's a nice sized screen for data, could also make it thinner with same battery life.  I loved my mk2i but hated the thickness of it.

  • How much does it cost to add AI capability to a watch like the Fenix 8? Is it more than just a software update (not talking about the transceiver hardware obviously)?

    I would think it's more than just the software. I doubt the normal speaker and mic can be used for the communication.

    But hard to say here, what the frequency really is and are the speaker and mic enough for it. CoPilot thinks it's 33 kHz, but don't know where did it find the info. And then can the speaker send that frequency loud enough and does the generic mic get that? At least it's a lot higher than speech.

    If it would be just software thing, I think selling more T2 might also be possible what Garmin would like, but hard to say. 

  • Given no new epix watches i think calling the new fenix 8 a consolidation is accurate.

    I think consolidation in this sense means you have less SKUs, which the change didn't archive. 

    Garmin already produces square versions of some its watches

    It's not just about being square. I mean more like those big Shearwaters and Suunto EON. Dive only ones. I wouldn't much care about the thickness. It would be on my hand just for the dives. 

  • Why not just buy sherewater, plenty others ratio, suunto, heinrichs weikamp's ostc 4 is cheaper than the descent, not a bad idea but competition is high, niche as well re sales, and differentiator for garmin are the sports metrics features, payments etc, one watch/device to rule them all sort of appeal

  • I think the sonic generating hardware is not likely doable with a conventional speaker, but the clicks can be heard like dolphin clicks which must be less than 20khz but dolphins can generate upto 150khz,

    can you get usual speaker frequency range 20hz-20khz on such a small speaker as in fenix 8?

  • Why not just buy sherewater,

    One word: Ecosystem. It's better to have activities in one place. 

  • I think the sonic generating hardware is not likely doable with a conventional speaker

    And then there would be HW costs which most of the Fenix users wouldn't like. Fenix 8 was already pretty hugely priced. 

    And what would be then the difference with Fenix and Descent? Just the depth rating? As otherwise one could just nag that well it's just software, why don't enable it to Fenix. 

  • I want a dive computer that also tracks health and sleep, and that sync automatically to an app, and I am already in the Garmin ecosystem. As such the Garmin Descent or Fenix series of watches would be the perfect "one watch solution". :)