Why is the MK2i missing so many Fenix 6 features?

Missing surf mode, missing recovery heart rate, missing sleep features, missing workout recovery insights like the most Fenix 6, missing other activities that are on the Fenix 6. Why? This watch is much more expensive. 

Garmin please fix the outdated software and missing features.

  • Cant you just add these from the garmin app store

  • They have also come to the F6 via fw update. So why shouldn’t they be added to the mk2/i? Maybe it took some time, because they have to be tested carefully, because they have to cooperate with the diving part of the watch.

  • I agree with this, although it is just a guess.

    I don't own a Mk2i yet but having one would be awesome just from having 2 watches in one.

    But would just have to accept it will always lag behind in the fitness features compared to the Fenix 6 series.

    I am thinking the same as Volker, the Mk2i may have to go through a lot more vigorous and time consuming testing for each firmware update, so as to ensure it does not have an adverse effect on the diving part of the watch, however unlikely that might be.

    Thus it may not get all the latest fitness features, or get them much later.

  • The problem is that Garmin's "vigorous testing" is such that they have reintroduced bugs that were previously fixed on the diving side of things on numerous occasions.  This points to not only a lack of thorough testing but poor development practices.

  • I am very curious to see how the MK2 / i's update services will develop. Let's see was now being added to features that the F6 series already has. With the MK 1 that was not a brilliant achievement - somehow reminded me of my Epix.

  • well in yesterday´s webinar they mentioned that the missing functions from the fenix 6 series are due to the dive functions and the requirement of stability. Though i am pretty certain both things have little in common. dive functions should be separate in the os of the watch and any of the other functionality should not be able to interact with it. basically they said it will be the same as with mk1 - updates will come at a slower pace. Which translates to nothing will change, expect the same.  couple of years later probably they will introduce all the missing functionality, when the fenix 6 has introduces a lot more new stuff and bugfixes.... 

  • That is troubling, i would have expected the dive computer functions to have a seperate rom and update cycle to the rest of the smartwatch features, effectively housing two seperate operating systems in one. the fact thats not the case is eye opening tbh and means there is possibility of error.  A dive computer is a decision making tool not an activity tracker so this is a serious issue.  a recent poster here said pO2 was misreading by 0.01 and garmin responded immediately for private dm. 

    What this means is a step back for real world use to clarify what other issues are out there yet to be discovered, especially given previously reported issues with mk1 misreading depths and other sensor issues on previous fenix line.  

  • Were the "missing" features announced/advertised for the MK2/i? I suppose not?
    So every buyer can see beforehand what he is buying. Then to complain that this or that watch has more features...

    I think no one is buying a diving watch because of surf mode, sleep features, workout recovery...

    If you don´t like the way Garmin is handling it for the MK2/i; buy a diving watch from another manufacturer. Of course, I would prefer it, if it had all the features of the F6 series. But no one is forced to buy the mk2/i.

    But it's just my opinion.

  • Thats a fair point, a dedicated dive computer would be better and safer tbh, mk2 has alot of pluses not least the form factor, pay and maps for me as im less interested in activity stuff, and connection to inreach which is a phenominal piece of kit i had no idea connected to the watches, but needs work as discussed viz ais/dsc to make it truly useful for divers/sailors needing help but not an emergency (whilst not a plb its great redundancy).

    Concern is the smart watch features compromise the dive aspects, maybe just needs to mature.  theres nothing this ambitious on the market, incredible potential.

  • I have purchased MK1 two years ago because of the expectation of multisport and the rich list of features. I fooled myself to expect Fenix 5 like list of features. Not to mention altitude issues affecting multiple sports plus bogus activity recordings while skiing. If I would know beforehand, I would just get Fenix 5 and stick with a separate dive watch. I am afraid that the new MK2 will have the same pattern of issues, delayed updates, lack of features. Knowing what transpired with MK1, I will refrain from purchasing MK2. 

    PS. I reserve the right to change my mind.