Add PO2 as a data field in the customised diving screens

Hi there,

Would it be possible for PO2 to be added to the customised data screens as a data field under Diving Fields? I like to see my PO2 as I dive and noticed it isn't available as a data field. It is almost validation that the PO2 levels for a gas are safe when doing multi tank decompression dives (as well as written on the tans of course).

Also any chance of a screen for the 16 tissue compartments and their saturation levels graphically? Not critical but a nice feature on the Shearwater Teric and I would assume pretty easy data to display.

Thanks :) Ben

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  • Also any chance of a screen for the 16 tissue compartments and their saturation levels graphically? Not critical but a nice feature on the Shearwater Teric and I would assume pretty easy data to display.

    You do get the N2 saturation of the tissue compartment with the highest load on the left side of the primary data screen.

    After the dive, you can see all 16 from the Surface Interval screen (well, you can on my Mk1 so I assume the Mk2 has this).

  • Would it be possible for PO2 to be added to the customised data screens as a data field under Diving Fields? I like to see my PO2 as I dive and noticed it isn't available as a data field. It is almost validation that the PO2 levels for a gas are safe when doing multi tank decompression dives (as well as written on the tans of course).

    Isn't it already on the primary dive data screen?

  • Ah thats great to know. Not dived with it yet and just setting up the screens etc. so thats great to know you can view all 16 after and yeah, I saw the N2/He bar which is great.

  • And no, the PO2 number during the dive does not seem to be anywhere on the display or in any of the data fields on the customisation. Just a setting for Deco, comfortable and critical. It's not vital for diving but its a setting I have visible on my Suunto and would like on my MK2. Just having it enabled as a data field for customisation would be perfect Slight smile

  • I would expect you should be able to view the 16 tissues even if you haven't dived - well, I assume you can still get to the Surface Interval widget even without any dives.

    Navigate to the SI widget and then hit the top right button.  They should all be zero now (unless you have gained some altitude recently).

  • The PO2 is right there on the top left of the main dive screen right next to the Nitrox O2 percentage.

    On my Mk1 it displays bottom left but it is the same.

    You can see it even without going for a dive.  Start a Single-Gas or Multi-Gas activity.  Edit you gas to say 32% O2.  "Start" the dive by hitting the top right button.  If you set the O2 to 32%, the PO2 will show as 0.32 which is what it would be if you were breathing 32% on the surface.

  • Aha!!! You are correct sir. Didn't check the widget (wasn't in the manual) and if you have Air set, it doesn't show the PO2 (at least on the surface) but yes, when I change to 32% nitrox, it now shows the 0.32. Perfect, thanks for the help :) Will actually get to dive with it in 2 weeks so looking forward to that. Just want to make sure I know everything about it before I dive :) Thanks again!

  • I had to try that. And actually when I set O2 to 32% it shows “0.33 Nx32”.

    Any explanation for that...?

  • How do you mean sorry? Why does it only work for anything outside of Air or are you asking what the 0.33 is? Former I am not sure, not dived with it yet to see if it shows po2 for air or not (it should as its vjust as important). For the latter, the 0.33 is the po2 at surface. As you dive this will increase to show you the partial pressure at that depth of oxygen. At on 32% at 10m it will show 0.64, 20m 0.96 etc. Keeping an eye on this will limit risk of oxygen toxicity but that's what you 1.4 po2 limit is intended to do. Hope that answered your question?

  • He’s asking why does it say 0.33 and not 0.32.