how can I get my current GPS coordinates? (lat/long)

In case of emergency, it would be useful to know my exact coordinates, to be able to communicate them. This seems surprisingly hard to access, despite GPS being so integral to so many activities. Is there a way to get this info quickly?

  • You have a few options:

    • Long-press the GPS button and wait till it locks the satellites and acquires the position. You can then save the location, if you want.
    • Set up a hot key combination for the function MOB (Man Over Board) 
    • Start a brief outdoor activity. In this way your location will be logged, including the maps, in Garmin Connect
    • Configure and enable the Incident Detection, and the coordinates will be sent automatically to the selected contact when incident is detected
    • Use the Emergency Alert - simulating the incident detection by pressing the Light button for some 15s till the watch beeps and lets you send the alert with coordinates (if you are the sole recipient, otherwise the alert could scare your emergency contact)