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Jabra Elite Active 65t disconnects when press START to pick an activity on MARQ Expedition

For months I've been able to use Jabra Elite Active 65t headphones with my MARQ Expedition to play music during activities and when not in an activity.

Some time after Dec 22 (last run when it worked), every time I press the START button to chose an activity, the headphones go into a continual loop of disconnecting and then reconnecting every couple of seconds.   Previously, I had only noticed occasional drops during activities which were remedied by moving watch to right hand during activity.  

MARQ Software Version is 6.00 (bde6be3)

Jabra Elie Active 65t firmware: 2.34.0(1033)

Both devices are at most current versions.  I've tried removing the device (and all devices) from the watch and adding it again without help.  I've made sure no other BT devices (phone, laptop) have their BT enabled when pairing/connecting Jabra to MARQ without help.

So, at this point, music plays fine so long as I'm not in the activity menu or currently in an activity.

Any ideas?  Anyone notice similar problem recently?  Not sure if it's related to new MARQ Software Version or Jabra firmware, but I know the MARQ Software was updated some time in December (not sure when because I use auto-update) and I can't be certain how long I've been on current Jabra firmware level.