Insane Battery drain since 15.10


Since updating my Fenix5 to 15.10 the Battery drains about 1% per hour.
Whats wrong?
With Firmware 12.40 it needed about 6% per DAY.
With newer updates since 12.40 it gets worse and worse, but now with 1% per hour …. thats insane.

What can I do?
Is there any possibilty to Downgrade?

With best Regards,

  • use the garmin  express with the usb ,for the updates.i loaded  15.40 with connect .ok is not so fast ,but for me not 5% battery for the update

  • I already did that. My Garmin Express is not showing 15.40 yet, it's not available to my region. But for the Garmin Connect there is an update, I am not sure what kind of update is that...

  • Obi_obi wrote in the Forum “Fenix 5 Series - 15.41 Beta Release”

    Fenix 5x - Large battery drain when bluetooth sensor scanning left on:
    If you use a sensor eg HRM chest strap or footpod make sure to disconnect it and turn of scanning after an activity otherwise your battery will be shot very quickly >2% per hour vs (~0.3 with it off)

  • Hi guys I found an issue. My Garmin Connect under Garmin Devices shows a software update that never ends.  The problem is I wait for hours untill it finishes but it restarts all over again. It is certainly a bug! Draining all my battery.... Mine is a f5X. And opening the watch with the express it shows me nothing ... I reinstalled everything and made a factory reset, still the same issue....

  • I’m having the same issue on my 5s - I charged to 100% at 10am, went for a 2.5 hour ski, and I’m now at 15% at 6pm. My software update seems to be hanging as well (no 3rd party watch faces or apps, and all my pairable devices - HRM, Vector pedals, etc. - are turned off). I’ve got 15.10 loaded on right now, but I’ll try plugging into GE to see if that pushes the update...

  • I had exactly the same problem with 15.10 

    Now 15.40 i think is normal for my f5.

  • Hello! I had a Garmin Instinct watch, a very good and reliable watch, but with some minuses compared to Fenix ​​5. I changed that watch, hoping that Fenix ​​5 was a top of the range. But ... Battery consumption is a big disappointment. Garmin, please, on behalf of all the owners of Fenix ​​5, solve this situation! In the two weeks since I got the clock, I'm already sorry about the choice / change I made.

  • Same here, very sad and disappointment...

    Garmin, CRYING OUT LOUD, on behalf of all the owners of Fenix ​​5, solve this situation!


  • the battery life on the 5s is ridiculous. I am on my 3rd watch, ran a half marathon on Sunday, battery life 100% at 6am. Was already down to 88% by 9am, with notifications off & standard watch face. race started 09:40 (my zone), I had pace alerts on but by 10 miles the watch was at 10%!!! Its meant to be getting me round a marathon next month, no chance of that happening. have put in a complaint with garmin and they are offering yet another replacement. I dont want watch number 4, I want one that does what it says is will especially for the money that it has cost. Ive now asked for a refund & will likely go over to suunto as Ive lost all faith in garmin now.

  • I can confirm that. I've been using my Fenix 5 since it's launched, I'm kind of Garmin purist, so I only use stock watch faces, apps, etc. My display brightness is set to 10% (8 sec), BT is turned during the day (turned off at night). With around 7 hours a week of GPS use (every sec./gps only) I charge my watch after 7-8 days. Firmware always up to date.