Wildly inaccurate step counts when using trekking poles!

Will there be a forthcoming fix to the Fenix 5, where it can accurately track steps when trekking poles are used? As of now, only about 30 percent of the steps are tracked, which is really inexcusable for a premium "Outdoor Recreation" wearable, especially for long-distance hikers and backpackers that use poles. Looking at past posts and talking with friends, Garmin has been aware of this issue for some time. Will it be fixed?

  • Its an "easy" fix for software genius.

    No, there is no really easy fix. You cannot simply multiply the detected step number by two, because sometimes you rise the trekking pole before the foot hits the ground, and the step is then detected correctly. And some people also just keep the poles in the hands for some parts of the trek, without using them for the support. At some others the synchronicity between the feet hitting the ground, and the time the hand is fixed on the pole is not perfect, and the watch is able counting the steps of both legs up and then. Other people may hit the ground with the pole twice during one swing. All of that would lead to wrong numbers again. The only reliable solution is wearing the watch so, that it can sense both steps. 

  • Your opinion, while well written, is not a viable solution for me.  Again. I’m disappointed Garmin has not resolved this issue for safe hikers using hiking poles  which has been brought up many times over the years.  Side note, I just noticed Garmin doesn’t have an activity totals section for hiking  activities, as they do for golfers, walkers, swimmers; my thoughts are that the cost for Garmin to apply R&D for enhancing their watch software  for Hikers (as they have for the other activities)  is not apparently not a priority to them therefore this convo is really a mute point . 

  • Side note, I just noticed Garmin doesn’t have an activity totals section for hiking  activities

    Have a look at the Progress Summary in Reports of Garmin Connect Web:

  • I just had a look myself, and Garmin does have Hiking as an activity under Reports | Progress Summary

     Re poles and step counts, there was an app that I seem to have instigated called Pole Steps that used a user-define multiplier to better display true steps. You could use for example “1.5” with tha value depending on how you used the poles. The problem with that is that the field steps was a fine estimate, but that is separate to the Garmin Steps value. A disconnect. All that said, I do think it would be easy for Garmin to use the movement sensors to give a fair estimate of true steps when using walking  poles.

    I am in a walking club with ~1000 members and I would estimate that at least 30% used poles. There is no doubt that they save hips, knees and ankles. 

  • Thank you for your comment/investigation. I am aware of the "summary". My concern is that Garmin does not accurately account for steps for the people who hike with poles. I believe Garmin should care and expect accuracy of it's software program for walkers, hikers, swimmer, golfers - whoever is buying their product -to tract activities/steps according to how they are being used. IN the case of Hiking specifically, they could provide an option to select with or without poles to allowing some type of adjustment. It's easy to do in this age of technology.

    I should have started my initial convo with that fact that my hubby and myself hiked the R2R Grand Canyon on 10/3/23 with poles. Mileage with German & UnderArmor was 26.96 miles from North Rim to Bright Angel in one day. UnderArmor logged our steps as 93K and Garmin logged our steps as 28K. Our nephew also hiked with us, but without poles and Garmin logged his steps as 48K. (I do not know why UnderArmor App had our steps that high, but it is interesting to note, I think).

    We are returning the GC next year, same timeframe to celebrate my 70th birthday. I will hope that maybe by then Garmin will have this feature available for hikers who use poles. Thanks for listening.