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Watch Broken at the hinge


so out out of the blue, I see the thin rod that holds the watch strap broken, as in the attached pics. What options do I have ?

i bought the watch in 2017, so might be out of warranty. 

Thanks for the help. 



  • Wow.... uh, that's not fixable....

    I'd contact Garmin but... how did you manage to do that?  In all seriousness these watches are quite strong in regard to how they're built case-wise, but I don't think there's anything that can be done about that in terms of a repair.

  • Hi,

    I have no clue how that happened.....had kept the watch for charging and when I pick it up to wear....see this. Doesn’t look good....I agree......

    Any idea how do I contact Garmin for this.....just to see if there is any way out. Walk in to a store or write to them ?



  • could you write in this thread when you get an answer on what to do.. my hinge has been semi broken for over a year (still holding but there is a crack) and my warranty has also run out ( i know i am dumb, should have dealt with it before)

  • I had an issue and went to their website and started a chat.  They were right on it.  Otherwise you could use JB Weld and a Dremel tool or file to recreate the base.

  • There had to have been a pretty strong force to break that. That is more than likely not covered under warranty and you’ll be relegated to buying a new watch. That said, when you talk to Garmin Support ON THE PHONE, they do have outstanding customer service, so it’s worth a shot to see if they can send you a new one.

  • Use jb weld epoxy maybe can fix it

  • Hi Ajit!

    How did you fix it? My fenix 5 broken in same way. (at the hinge)



  • The same happened to my Garmin Fenix 5 and to be completely honest I have no clue how! The watch is 2.5 years old. I am afraid I cannot count on Garmin's support. @Ajit have you heard anything from Garmin on this problem?

  • I recently broke my Vivoactive 3 Music at the hinge, almost identical to the OP's photo. It happened when I was golfing - just flew off when I mishit the ball and chunked the grass, classic. Anyway, I called Garmin support and the man was extremely nice. He had me send him photos of the watch and told me he'd send a replacement at no cost. 

    As long as you haven't had a history of breaking watches, they should be able to accommodate a replacement. I'm really happy with Garmin's customer support. Hope this helps anyone else out there with a broken watch! 

  • I had the same thing happen to not one, but 2 Forerunner 645 watches. They replaced it with a refurbished (like new) one. And then that broke, the same way, just yesterday after 15 months. 

    Apparently this is NOT uncommon from what I've been reading. 

    I LOVE Garmin... I've had several. It's really the only brand I'm interested in. But, this issue is extremely disappointing and frustrating. It's not like these watches are $50 or $100. They're HUNDREDS. 

    I don't understand why they don't just make the case metal?? I'd be happy to pay more for it. Plus, you'd think they would save $ not having to send so many people replacement watches...?