Topo Full vs Topoactive maps

Whilst my unit is a D2 Delta, I think Garmin checks out the Fenix forums more regularly....

When I first bought my unit about 3 years ago, I was thrilled that the Topoactive maps were provided and it was a novelty to do my walks with the map and navigation. However I soon found that many major landmarks (like train stations) were not in the navigation database. When I chose the nearest landmark, I ended up being navigated through some wild terrain. Now as I knew where I was going I simply ignored what the watch was telling me (especially when it decides to lead me in the opposite direction of where I want to go).

So, I decided to purchase the Topo Full V6 (Aus/NZ) maps to see what it offers. Sure enough, this has been rock solid with all the landmarks I want in the database and navigation is what I would expect. Great. However, Topo Full never gets updated whereas Topoactive does.

Now my question ;

I always have both maps installed and activites use Topo V6 as default. Works very well. However, of late I am noticing that street changes are not reflected on V6 (as expected as it never gets updated). If I swap to Topoactive then no problem. Except navigation sends me in weird ways and those landmarks I woild like are not there.

Would anyone know how the unit handles multiple maps? If the default map is Topo V6, will it still use the updated database of the also installed TopoActive? Basically what I am asking is will the unit create it's own pointers based on both Topo V6 and TopoActive but using the most recent data for any updates? I know that the V6 map does not reflect any updates that the Topoactive map contains (for example, there is a street that was blocked 2 years ago and TopoActive reflects this, but V6 does not - of course as it never gets updated).

If any Garmin people are looking at this, will ther be any updates to Topo Full maps?
