GPS Distance, duration

Hi Fenix 5 Plus users,

Each time I laucnh a track during my hike I have straight lines on my map:

I walked during 2h22 (and it's true)  and the report shows me Duration : 40minutes and Travel time : 40 minutes while 

Any guy got this issue?

I am using GPS + Galileo and my track is every seconde.

Thanks for helping :)


  • OSM in general are no issue but I agree that this might be the reason here. There are versions available with reduced data (e.g. less houses) which work faster on the Fenix. I mostly use the Garmin maps in combination with separate OSM based contour line maps. That works great and so far I just found one short trail which was not on the map, but appeared in a later update.

  • Thank you all,

    I will do it by removing maps and update them. My other way would be to exchange my watch by another one with Garmin support.

    Thanks again

  • Custom maps with less area/less detail is certainly worth trying. On other watches I've used (Fenix, Epix) with custom OSM maps, I often had the map view slowing down followed by watch freeze, followed by a spontaneous restart, and a part or the whole the track missing. It only happened after hiking for a few hours. It took a while to get the area and level of detail for the OSM maps right.

    Off topic side note: On Fenix 3, the only way to have a rudimentary map was creating a course (in Connect or by doing an activity) covering every path in an area, and then 'following' that course, so it would show up on the map screen. Lots of my hikes were for the purpose of "drawing course-based maps". It was good fun. Only after the map-drawing-activity I'd know the area so well that I didn't need the map.