I have Garmin Fenix 5x Plus and i use it in watch mode only. All sensors, GPS, WIfi, bluetooth is off, No connectivity with Mobile. I charged it to 100% and battery was fine till 44%. It came to 44% in approx 10 days. I leave it with 44% at night and when in morning i pick it up it was 0% and battery need new recharge. This behavior was not for first time. Last time battery drained quickly in similar way over night from 74% to 16%. Garmin claims 20 days without recharge in watch mode and i used it in one recharge for 20 days many times. I have this watch since 1 year and i am shocked the battery behavior of it.
Chinese smart watches even have batter battery life than that and they just cost 80 to 100%. Can any body have solution to this issue.