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Garmin Fenix 5X Plus sudden battery drain Issue

I have Garmin Fenix 5x Plus and i use it in watch mode only. All sensors, GPS, WIfi, bluetooth is off, No connectivity with Mobile. I charged it to 100% and battery was fine till 44%. It came to 44% in approx 10 days. I leave it with 44% at night and when in morning i pick it up it was 0% and battery need new recharge. This behavior was not for first time. Last time battery drained quickly in similar way over night from 74% to 16%. Garmin claims 20 days without recharge in watch mode and i used it in one recharge for 20 days many times. I have this watch since 1 year and i am shocked the battery behavior of it.

Chinese smart watches even have batter battery life than that and they just cost 80 to 100%. Can any body have solution to this issue.

  • Chinese smart watches even have batter battery life than that and they just cost 80 to 100%. Can any body have solution to this issue.

    Yep! Buy one. Sell your Garmin.

  • You are so helpful.

  • I don't know, my guess it's a bug, I had a replacement 5xplus after my last one gave up on me, this new one the battery is poor, I'm supposed to do a window gps test and send it the data to Garmin, but my guess the battery is 30-40 % worse, I don't use the watch that much anymore, as I bought a edge 530 for my cycling, and that has sticky buttons and a poor gps, got to send that back too, so will be back with my 5xplus next year.

    1. I have lost 5% in only 10h since the last update...  normaly, the watch lose 2% per day. Bug with the v10 os?
  • I have swich off communication with my phone. The battery drain less. But I lose lifetrack, and all smartwatch mode. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Dr Phil

    @philipshambrock.  We would certainly sell our Garmin watches if we found an idiot who bought this crap.

    People are starting to see the never ending mess at Garmin.

  • Had similar issues with my Fenix 5 Plus. Called customer support. Sent in the watch twice. Second time I got it replaced to a  new device by garmin. Problem solved.

  • I have done a new update on GC (parameter/garmin device/device)

    The update was very very long. (Disconnection... new download.... very hard to do)

    But, after this, my battery seem to be ok. The versions of  the OS is always 10 and BT 4.30.  I don’t know what has been downloaded but it maybe solved the problem. 

  • That's interesting. After I got my new device I left it a day and a half in problems with battery drain. Did the update to 9.10 then, no problems... And now I'm on 10. Of course still no problems. I don't know what was the reason. I I know Garmin solved it and it didn't cost me any money.. So I'm happy. Some things may be crappie but at least support is awesome

  • I am with a problem with mine Fenix 5 Plus after last update, the autonomy of the watch is 1day16hours, i did a factory reset but still happens...anyone with the same problem?