My Fenix 5 Plus upgraded automatically to 6.0 firmware last night.
Before that it has reported distance and speed from my Tacx Flow Smart trainer according to power used.
Now after upgrade, it only picks up Power.
It did pick 0,30 km and after that just shows -- on speed.
I have tried to pair power or speed sensor (I don't have separate) again a couple of times with no new found and no use.
I have gadence sensor from Garmin and it is regocnized.
Of course this data hasn't matched the speed in Zwift but now that its all gone I can no longer follow the thriathlon exercises in Garmin Connect that I have been doing for 10 weeks now.
This is because those exercises have section such as drive 16 km or 30 km and now that counter is stuck to 30,00 km.
How can I continue my Garmin planned indoor exercises?