Really disappointing screen Fenix 5 Plus Saphire

Yesterday i received the Fenix 5 Plus Saphire watch, Today i returned it. Unboxing was fun until i started the watch.Garmin advertises that the screen is a "clear, full-colour, transflective Garmin Chroma Display Tm display with high resolution and the LED screen illumination is readable in all light conditions, even in bright sunlight. The disappointing fact is that the screen is not what you may expect for this huge amount of money. The screen on it's own is not high resolution / full colour. You only get the full colours if you keep it in direct sunlight. This means without the sunlight (for example indoors) you are looking at a screen that reminds of the eighties. Black is not black and red is a pale colour even with brightness on maximum. There is a huge difference in what Garmin advertises versus what Garmin really delivers as shown on the photo's. For this price disappointing and to me unacceptable.
  • Buy an Apple Watch in that case- which will need to be charged on a daily basis.
    I agree that the marketing shots look misleading but it's pretty obvious that a device aimed at hikers/ultra marathon runners will not have a phone-like display :D

    Until a major leap in battery technology and miniaturization take place, at least!
  • I do understand the benifit of a better better battery life but as you mention if you advertise like they do they create an expectation they clearly do not not fullfil. If i knew upfront that the screen was basic i could take that in consideration. Now i'm disappointed because i have been misled.
  • TBH The people who buy Garmin Watches will be more interested in fitness, long battery life, permanent daylight visible display. And less interested in replicating a phone on your wrist and having to charge every day. It does indeed sound as if you may not has researched your requirements before purchasing, maybe an Apple watch and Android wear is more what you are looking for.
  • This display is superior for the intended usage of the watch. If the watch had a normal, rear-lighted phone screen, it would be harder to read in bright sunlight - just like a phone. This was one of my reasons for not buying an Apple Watch.

    But the front-lighted display in the Garmin watches actually get easier to read in bright sunlight.

    But I am happy to hear that you are no longer a Garmin user. I assume this means that you will not hang around here, right?
  • I'm glad you were able to realize your mistake and return the watch. Like a couple of other posters here, I really like the screen and am very happy with it. I love that it is always on and very visible in daylight and I appreciate the HUGE boost in days between charge by using a display like this. I agree that indoors using the light, it can look reminiscent of a Casio g-shock display from the 80s but it is much higher resolution than those. For future reference, there's a reviewer online, DC Rainmaker, who does great hands on reviews of watches. Here is one:
    Like you, I had to buy the watch sight unseen but I was able to know what I was getting after seeing the videos like the one above (and others specifically about the backlight) and better understanding what garmin meant by [TABLE]
    Display type [TD]sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP)[/TD]

    I realized I was dealing with a display that was may be closer to a color ePaper display and not an OLED display like the apple watch.
    Good luck on your next watch.
  • Thanks PapaRappa for your response contentwise (without getting personal.) I did watch these video's but did not discover the big difference. They show a black background which is clearly not the case. I liked the specs which are better than all other watches/brands and i specifically chose a sportwatch instead of a smartwatch (Apple). To me the screen does not meet the requirements of a premium product which Garmin intends to sell here.
  • To me the screen does not meet the requirements of a premium product which Garmin intends to sell here.

    So Garmin chose a screen technology which by far is the best technology available for the intended usage of the watch, and you say it doesn't meet the requirements of a premium product.

    Does that mean that Garmin would have to use a less optimal screen technology like the one in the Apple Watch to make it a premium product?

    Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

    I can say this with absolute confidence:
    If Garmin offered the same watch in two different editions, one with the current Garmin display, and one with an OLED display like the Apple Watch, I would be willing to pay extra for the edition with the Garmin display. So how can it not be suitable for a premium product?
  • I just refer you to my initial post. There is a huge difference in what is advertised and what the reality is. The screen is awsome in direct sunlight, fully agree but in 90% of the time you are not in that situation. And that's where this is not a premium screen. And, as mentioned before, be transparant about it upfront.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    Not defending Garmin as the advertising pictures are not representative , but neither are Apples pictures of the products. Garmin do clearly state the screen is 240x240 pixels though
  • Agree ActiveJrOfficial but full colour is only applicable in direct sunlight; all other situations clearly not. So not only the pictures are not representative.