I can not perform Search Out of my State and locate "a known address" .

Even after looking on the map to ensure it exist. I can't get known cities (by name, out of state) to appear after inputting the correct information by Name, Providence, Zip Code, or States. I have also used the highways federal, State, etc names in lue of the street names. The only way I have found to navigate, is to place a WayPoint at the address. The search function works OK within my state boundaries however.

Am I doing something incorrect?

I use the State name and confirm is correctness.   I have done the same with the city name by itself.

Confirmed the newest Zip Codes. ETC....

  • Which device do you have and what maps are on it? TopoActive for example doesn’t support searching on address.

  • Also, please provide the exact steps you are taking to search for an address. 

  • Garmin 710i


    1. TURN unit on.

    2. Ensure the correct Maps are turned on thru Map Manger.

    3. Magnifying (Search) and open the "Addresses App'

    I reside in "South Carolina" (SC) and say I want to go to "Richmond, Virginia"

    4. I change Search Area to "VIRGINIA" y tapping on the SC and it switches to change the Search Area.

    I then have these options: Enter City/Postal Code OR Enter State/Province

    So lets say I'll use the State Name "Virginia" for the area search

       Then I select the name Virginia the unit locates during its search.

    The next parameter to search is, "Number"

       I enter the address number of "8716" where I used to live, tap Enter

    The next parameter to search for is "Street Name" 

    In my case that is "W. Broad St." Tap enter

    Response is:

    " No Results Found"

    "Try adjusting search parameters."

    Software v 23.10

    Latest updates installed but the Address App still does this.

    Sorry new to this here and Thanks for listening

  • Montana 710i

    Automatic maps is enabled 

    City Navigator 

    CN North America. 2025.20 ALL US


    ToPo ACTIVE US 2024. 20

  • I forgot to mention also that I have tried other states, other cities, and known and addresses that I have gotten off of my 710i and then tried to search for.