I have been using my InReach mini-2 without issue when sending text messages from the Garmin Explore App on my Iphone 13 (us based number) to my partner's iPhone 13 (to a French phone number) for 2 years.
On my last hike I sent several text messages to her, The app confirmed that the messages were sent (and I heard the little chirp from my InReach Mini2) but my wife's phone did not receive the messages.
I turned the device and my phone off and on.
I checked to see if my subscription was still valid.
I checked to see if her phone number was still listed under contacts.
No luck.
I can send a message to her email OK and to her U.S. phone number but for some reason it appears that she can no longer send or receive a text message from my InReach device/garmin explore app. Could it be that it's an issue because I'm sending to a French phone number? I'm not certain as I didn't have any problems in the past. Maybe it's something simple.
Any ideas?
Thank you.