mesenger beeps after msg read from phone

Just updated one of our messenger to 4.04

Strange: when messenger receives a message, as answer to previous msg from the messenger app, it beeps further even if the message was succefully read by the user on the smartphone.

This was not so before. Whe message was read on the phone in the messager app, the beep on the device stopped.

Anybody some comment on this?

  • I reset the messenger app, set all up completely

    now I have the situation, when the phone is off, the messenger never receives any messages at all. 

    Let say someone did answer to a message from the messenger, it never arrives, even after manual mailcheck there is nothng.

    Only when the paired phone is switched on again, all messages are received, well via internet this time

    Is this the expected behavior?

  • Probably not. No matter what all the FAQs say, nobody can actually understand how this works in all cases. I would open a support ticket. In your case, with professional support?