GPSMAP 67i (8.80 firmware) impossible to download map to SD card using the GPS itself

Some asked this same question but for the 67 so it was closed by the moderator. I am having the exact same problem with my 67i. 

Intended result: download the North America Topo Map over wifi, with the GPS itself, using a properly formatted and recogonized SD card with over 28 gb of free space as reported by the GPS itself. Once the intended download destination is set to SD Card, and Download is selected, a pop up message says that additional space is needed (my guess is that is trying to do it using the internal storage and ignoring the SD choice command). 

I know I could try Garmin Express and Map Installer (although I have a Mac so it is not always the best experience. I can’t understand why the device itself is supposed to have this funcionality but it not providing the promised outcome. Thanks in advance.

  • Most likely NO, we don’t have the resources to fix the issue. Same reply as I received for two prominent issues. Most bug infested gps ever.

  • I am having the same problem: This is a barely used GPS unit, purchased in October with only one real-world deployment. My Garmin 67i has an SD card that meets the guidelines and has plenty of space (19.4GB available) for the Map download. The unit has 10.4GB of internal memory available and Garmin’s TopoActive download says it is 10GB in size, which means that out of the box Garmin has a space problem to deal with if map downloads exceed the storage space. I bought an SD card because it’s not that expensive…but I expected it to solve the space problem and for Garmin to be able to manage the storage space better on this closed platform.

    I attempt the download over WiFi, specify that I want to download it to the SD Card, then the unit fills up the internal storage and LOCKS UP after several hours of downloading when it gets to ~90% complete. The pop-up message is a block box with no text, and the unit is unresponsive. I reboot the device and start the process again…and the same results. Downloading a 10GB file takes hours, which adds to the frustration.

    I do not have a computer to download the update to: I have an iPad Pro M4 and an iPhone 16Pro. I shouldn’t need either one of those devices for the GPS unit to install its own maps, but I have those available. What is Garmin’s fix?

    I’m starting to regret spending so much money on this device that cannot update itself.