GPSMAP 66i 4.30 Software: Position Format of NZTM does not display coordinates

After updating to 4.30 the 66i no longer displays coordinates for the New Zealand NZTM Position Format.

Below is NZTM and 2 other formats:

NZTM Position Format with no coordinates                          

The same blank NZTM occurs on other pages too like the Trip Computer data field and marking a waypoint.


If saving the 'blank' waypoint the coordinates display in the Waypoint > Review page.

When on the map page with the cursor away from any feature the coordinates display normally at the top of the screen

This issue was bought to my attention today by a customer with a 66s.  My 66i was OK until I updated to version 4.30.

Edit 24 hours after the initial post:  The customer with the 66s has updated his unit to version 3.10 and now the NZTM displays correctly.

I'll send this link to Garmin Support in Sydney,

  • It could well be a quality of fix issue.  Mine showed up once I had a good signal, I was standing outside.  

  • Hi Tony I am experiencing the same issue with my 66ST, can you please advise the best way to update the unit to version 3.10? 



  • Hi there

    Just for reference encase anyone else has same issue.

    I had the same problem with my GPSMAP66ST after updating software to 3.1 and downloading Birdseye image over my fieldwork area. 

    Through trial and error I figured out the issue was only present when located within Birdseye image area, outside of this coordinates were displayed normally.

    Have since deleted Birdseye image and all working as it should. 

  • Sorry for the delay.  The only way to update software I know of is with Garmin Express.  The older Garmin WebUpdater does not work for me any more.  Officially there's no way to downgrade to earlier software.  However this place has earlier versions - you place the file in the Garmin folder and start the GPS:

  • Yes, I'm in NZ and the NZTM Position Format works on other Garmin units as well as some places on the 66i.  I have an GPS antenna re-radiator on the office desk so that even early GPS's have no trouble getting a fix.  I'm also in a corner with 2 large windows so getting a fix is very easy. 

    Another Garmin user who is involved with the SAR (Search and Rescue) organisation got in touch yesterday and has since phoned Garmin in Sydney about this issue on their 66st units.  Garmin advised him  “engineers were escalating a solution”.

    On 11th Sept the last I heard from Garmin Sydney was "We have created a case in order for our engineering team to look into this issue further for you."

  • Let me know if you want me to test any scenarios.  I don't believe it has anything to do with Birdseye imagery because I'm getting the NZTM position displayed even in areas where I have Birdseye imagery active.  It is imagery I downloaded via Basecamp and not via Birdseye Direct - but it is still there.

  • Today Garmin in Sydney replied, and I quote in full: "The engineering team have advised that the issue that you were experiencing in regards to NZTM Position Format has been resolved with the latest software update."

    So I guess there's an update on the way.  At present version 4.30 is still the latest version available on Express.

  • Any idea when the new firmware will be released to fix this for NZ

  • Sorry but no.  After I got the above reply from Garmin on 2nd October 2019 I replied the same day pointing out that "the faulty version 4.30 is still the latest available." 

    I asked if they have an estimated time for the fix.  No answer.  I can write again but they are very slow with replies. 

    If you're in NZ please take a few minutes to phone Garmin Sydney and also ask.  The phone is 0800 427 652 (free call) M to F, 10:30 to 7 our time. 

    Their reference is: Reference ID: 15018790K0   Q#:1005509

    If you need to use NZTM full functionality in the meantime revert to the last good software version for the 66 model by downloading the 2nd to latest 66 or 66i (depending on your model) file here and rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD  

    Put this file in the Garmin folder of the GPS.  If you already have the latest version 4.3 (for a 66i) then upon starting it will warn you that the update is older than the existing version etc. It will also revert the device back to factory default settings.

    You can see the 66i software update changes here:

    By reverting back to version 4.2 the following changes are 'lost':

    • Added support for the inReach Remote feature
    • Added the option to discard edits to a contact
    • Fixed data on the inReach Plan Usage page
    • Fixed issue when creating proximity alarms
    • Improved the contact editing keyboard
    • Improved Bluetooth reliability
  • Hi,

    I just made a call and checked using your reference. They discussed with the dev team and they are still working on a fix and a release should be soon but they could not commit on a time (could be a week, could be a month?)

    I have a separate call logged now so hopefully that still helps

