Incorrect GPS Data

I have been noticing that many of my GPS distances are incorrect. This is different than the 4.10 issue where the distances do not update until you laser something.

I see a lot of front pins where I laser them, and the GPS information is showing the front of the green, or even in some cases further back (meaning the pin appears to be in front of the green, not on the front of the green).

I have done a reset on my device hoping to fix this, but the information still often enough appears incorrect that I just do not trust the GPS data on my device anymore. I did not have this issue on my Z80 on the same courses.

Is this incorrect course data, or is there something wrong with my device?

  • Based on the concern mentioned here, and through support. I am reaching out to you in regards to the distance concerns you have reported to discuss some information with you. 

    Please check the message box icon in the upper right section of the forums website for my message. 

    - Thank you. 

  • After exhausting all the suggestions with still no fix, I sent Garmin Support a pretty detailed email stating my disappointment that this pretty obvious problem has gone unaddressed.  After a couple of back and forth emails, Garmin had me return my Z82 and they sent me a new one.  I've used it 2 or 3 times and it seems to be working correctly so far.  Thumbs up to Garmin for doing right by the customer. 

  • I never had it resolved either. 

  • The user above that you are replying to is not referring to the Approach Z82, and is referring to a different model device. 

    If you are continuing to experience concerns with the Approach Z82 and are still in need of assistance...please reach back out to support or feel free to send me a direct message and I would be happy to offer further assistance as needed. 

    Please also update your device using Garmin Express to get the course mapping current on your Approach Z82...if you have not done so recently.