Incorrect GPS Data

I have been noticing that many of my GPS distances are incorrect. This is different than the 4.10 issue where the distances do not update until you laser something.

I see a lot of front pins where I laser them, and the GPS information is showing the front of the green, or even in some cases further back (meaning the pin appears to be in front of the green, not on the front of the green).

I have done a reset on my device hoping to fix this, but the information still often enough appears incorrect that I just do not trust the GPS data on my device anymore. I did not have this issue on my Z80 on the same courses.

Is this incorrect course data, or is there something wrong with my device?

  • When you reach out describing a concern you are visually seeing occur, a photo attachment is often requested because it helps support see what you are seeing. 

    Whether you are describing it through email, chat, or over the phone...technical support is on the other side interpreting your interpretation of the getting a visual through a photo attachment uploaded helps out a lot, especially when we create a ticket for our quality & engineering team to this allows them to get the description of the concern, and a visual of the concern. 

    The person who requested a photo from you is not requesting it because they don't believe you. 

  • Still having this issue happen occasionally. Was able to snap a picture on a par 3.

    [Link Removed]

  • Hello, please check my direct message requesting more info from you. If you are still experiencing the concern, I would like to take a look further into what you are seeing.

  • Cant see you pic, says [Link Removed]

  • Hi Cody, any update for us on the incorrect GPS data issue ? I replied to your direct message some time ago. 

  • Cody, I did respond to your DM with pictures some time ago.  We  haven’t heard anything from you or Garmin on the fix for this.  
    We would all appreciate an update with a fix.   Any update at all would be welcome.  
    Thank you.   

  • I realize this is an older thread but I'm having the same issue described...Z82 locks in on the flag but often the distance shown is beyond the limits of the green (short of front or past the back).  I updated to latest software version hoping this would address the issue but it has not.  Is there any solution to this problem?

  • Some factors to consider for distance accuracy are outlined below: 

    • Take a moment to let wind die down if trees or other objects moving behind the flag due to factors like wind...sometimes it object like that can result in the Z82 lasering the object further back...or may make it difficult for the crosshair to lock to the flag through the stabilization features.
    • Keep a steady hand, using the focus knob on the viewfinder, and regularly check for updates to keep the software current can all help in preventing incorrect distances.
    • The Z82 uses LIDAR to laser the distance. If the green is completely shaded, darker time of day for sunlight level, or if you have other plants the optic is viewing through like high grass or other limbs it is trying to view past may have some affect. 
    • Review further info outlined on the Garmin page linked here: Ranging Accuracy

    If you continue to have some concerns with the distance, I would suggest reaching to Garmin Support to discuss the issue so an expert can offer further solutions. 

  • HI, did you ever get this resolved? I am having problems, as are my playing partners with accuracy (used to be ok) to a point where now rely on lazer. Just go rojnd in loops with Harmin even after providing photo evidence.

  • Hi, no, pretty well stopped using it.  I provided photos too.  They invited me to call, which I haven’t done.   Seems to be a common problem. I’ll take it out today and get some more pics.   Sorry to hear you’re going in loops.