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Distance detection not working

My approach Z30 was  working perfect  for  two rounds then  it  stopped detecting any  distance.   I can not  lock on to hazards or pins.   I tried changing the battery no  improvement.   Every one  in  a while it will  briefly  show  me  a distance bit it disappears immediately.

I have  searched  the  web.  No  one  else  seems to  be reporting this.   I am  returning the  unit, but am hesitant to  buy another.  I have a Garmin Epix 2 and love how  they  work together.

Has anyone  else seen this  issue?   I am  guessing I got unlucky, but do  not  want  to  spend  that  much money for a useless range finder.

Note I have  a  Garmin Approach R10, Garmin bike computer, Garmin. Bike radar and have  been  very  happy with  their performance.  So not a hater at  all.


  • Garmin Golf Support should be contacted via phone, chat, or email options available on the Garmin site, and a Golf Specialist will gather some additional information from you regarding the concern to provide further solutions from there. 

    You can contact Garmin Golf Support through the Z30 Support Site linked here: Garmin Support Center - Approach Z30

  • I'm either cursed or this product is not sufficiently rugged for it's use case. I've played with numerous rangefinders, Bushnell, Nikon, Leupold (my gamer before purchasing the Z30) and a stint with the Z82....none of these ever failed me. I'm on my 3rd Z30 and this one stopped working after a few rounds. I bobbled it once pulling down from the magnetic mount on cart pillar but that should not have been such a shock as to render it non-functional but alas, this one has failed too.  With this third unit, was told that there had been a production process change to make it less susceptible to what is apparently an alignment issue, but same result.  

    I too have invested heavily in the Garmin ecosystem for golf cycling and watch, but cannot recommend at this point, if you're considering this purchase.