Approach s62 keeps restarting when I swipe the screen

My Approach s62 keeps restarting when I try swipe the screen. From a previous thread I understand this occurs if the watch has the music controls widget activated. Ive been trying to deactivate this widget but even on the odd occasion I can swipe and get the watch to respond, as soon as I touch the "edit" button, the watch restarts again. Anyone know if I can deactivate this widget from somewhere other than on the watch itself or do I have to do a factory reset?

  • I also have the same issue. Did you find any solution?

    geometry dash lite

  • unfortunately the only solution was to do a factory reset on the watch and make sure the music notifications do not get left turned on. Fortunately, since my watch had synced with the Garmin Connect and Garmin Golf apps, I did not lose any of the information stored on them. You'll have to re-set up the watch again as well, including what sidgets etc you want to have available when you do swipe the screen. I hope Garmin finds a solution for this bug. I suspect we're not the  only ones who've had this problem. Hope than helps.