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Is the capability to upload scores to USGA/GHIN available or is it in the works?

Is the capability to upload scores to USGA/GHIN available or is it in the works?  Automatic uploads of our scores to Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) from Garmin would be very useful and many of your competitors are already providing this capability.  Is there any update on this yet??

  • Apologies, as It appears there was some miscommunication on our end regarding the request during your contact with our support team earlier today. The member of our team that you spoke with did not realize there was a ticket open for GHIN compatibility requests. This has been cleared up on our end. 

    I can assure you that our Quality & Engineering team is still monitoring continued user requests for GHIN continuity to be added with Garmin Golf products. While this option is not guaranteed to become available, it is still open as a possibility at some point in the future. 

    I added your account to the ticket after seeing your comment on forums post: Posting scores and stats to GHIN which means if any announcements regarding this feature become will receive an email from Garmin letting you know. 

    - Thank you