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Is the capability to upload scores to USGA/GHIN available or is it in the works?

Is the capability to upload scores to USGA/GHIN available or is it in the works?  Automatic uploads of our scores to Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) from Garmin would be very useful and many of your competitors are already providing this capability.  Is there any update on this yet??

  • What's even more astonishing about this request is that THIS one, here in S62 forum, has become the defacto ticket for tracking this desire for some reason. Probably should move this to a more "general" golf area somehow so it's easier to locate.

    Garmin, there's no reason some part of your Golf toolset (server backend or app front-ends would make the most sense, not on the watch!) can't integrate with the USGA GHIN system, other than "we don't like giving your data we collected to someone else" or "we're just too lazy", even though probably all of us that have these watches and use them for golf HAVE to post our scores to GHIN.

    Please. It's a simple feature. Please add it.

  • Arcos has this functionality. Please include this feature. Don’t want to move to Arcos   

  • Stop using Garmin golf because it does not sync with G HIN, ate You ready now

  • Jose. Hi.Stop using Garmin golf because it does not sync with G HIN, ate You ready now

  • Looking at buying the s70 in the next month or so and it would be nice to know if posting to GHIN is on the roadmap or will soon be on the roadmap.

  • There has been no notable improvement in software in the 2 1/2 years I've owned the product. I think it's safe to assume that what you see is what you get and that GHIN integration isn't going to happen. Seems like a dead product.

  • This feature has not been ruled out as being offered at some point in the future. GHIN integration is also not a feature specific to the Approach S62, and is still in the process of being reviewed for potential future improvements to Garmin Golf products. .

    The Approach S62 has received updates in the past two years. You can refer to the last update changelog for reference if needed linked here:

  • The problem is that you're saying it hasn't been ruled out. Which means there's no plan yet in your roadmap to add GHIN integration. Garmin is keeping all of your most loyal golf customers in limbo. Persoanlly, this indecisiveness is why I'm now considering selling my S70 and going with arccos with a smartwatch. You're losing me on this.

  • So that no one else has to waste time looking at the "5.0" release notes, here is the change log for a MAJOR version (from the link above).

    Change Log

    Enabled support for PulseOx Spot Checks to be viewed on GCM.
    Fixed issues assigning CT10 sensors to certain golf club types.

    Added Approach Z30 support.