GPS CPE status consistently showing expired status...

Anyone having issues getting the GPS CPE info on their watch to stay current.  Garmin doc states using Garmin Express or Garmin Connect to sync the watch will make the CPE info status current - that does not work consistently for me even though I am doing multiple syncs and both app indicate a success status, the CPE status remains expired.

  • Garmin suggestions do not work. Is Garmin working on a true fix or not? It's been months since any communication. Watch is holding up play waiting for distance and Caddie suggestions. This past month it loses it's location and jumps you to the wrong hole. This gives you a red Exclamationat bottom, now I know it indicates the watch is on wrong hole which leads to having to change hole so you can try to get distance again. This has been a very disappointing purchase, I don't think I could recommend it to anyone.

  • Updated to 5.00.  Completed sync and status shows as Current but it doesn't stay in that state for more than 24 hrs - is a daily update needed then?

  • Sent you a direct message to get some additional information from you on the CPE comment above. Please keep an eye out in the message icon in the upper right section of the forums site. 

    - Thank you

  • Im having the same issue, synced multiple times with garmin express and with garmin golf app, tried removing the RemoteSW folder aswell and resyncing. I have software version 5.0 and i have only seen my cpe status as expired. If there is more to try please also send it to me so i can troubleshoot further

  • Update as of 8/30/2024: 

    Garmin is currently in the process of investigating the root cause of the issue, and are working on a solution to the problem.

    Anyone that is experiencing the issue can post here in forums and I can add your information to the report for the issue and we will reach out with more information once it's available.

  • Thanks, I'm blaming my golf scores on you!  Just send me the S70 and we will call it even.

  • I have version 5.0 and cpe remains expired after repeated syncs on pc and iPhone. Takes 20 minutes to pick up satellites on my s62. Did a factory reset, no change. 

  • I have sent you direct message requesting some additional information from you on the concern. 

    Please keep an eye out in the message box icon in the upper right of the forums site, and I look forward to the response at your earliest convenience. 

    - Thank you 

  • I've been having the same issue for many months, been updating via garmin express.  However, few months ago when Synced, the CPE did renew, however within hours the status changed back to Expired.  Since then haven't been able to replicate and always has status as Expired. On the golf  the course it seems to pick up the courses via satellite scan, however the yardages (I'm in UK) are sometimes 10 yards off compared to playing partners and on course yardage markers. Its quite frustrating sometimes having to keep asking playing partners to confirm distances.

  • my S62 is up to date with the latest software version 5.0 but the CPE continues to expire. Tried syncing using the Garmin express (latest version), connect via the Garmin Golf app, Connect, Connect IQ, also tried reset.  Nothing seems to fix this issue. This is very frustrating.