Why Pulse Ox and swing tempo are only tracked by the watch and not synced with garmin connect ? Do i miss something ?
Why Pulse Ox and swing tempo are only tracked by the watch and not synced with garmin connect ? Do i miss something ?
Please add me to this feature request as well. I really want the PulseOX sent to the connect app so i can use it with Apple Health for statistics.
Also regarding swing tempo, i see the watch register tempo…
Gilles - The Garmin Connect Mobile APP will not show your Swing Tempo nor will it. It is not a metric that is being saved to later pass along to the Garmin Connect Mobile APP. It is a tool on the watch…
Update on manually taking your PulseOX readings on the Approach S62, syncing it, and the PulseOX not showing in the Connect Mobile APP. The APP also does not give the option to add the PulseOX card onto…
I continue to research the PulseOX not showing in the My Day portion of the Connect Mobile APP. I have thus far confirmed that you can edit My Day to add PulseOX for the Approach S62, but what I am working on getting a solid answer for is whether or not the Approach S62 was designed to pass along the data to the Connect Mobile APP and should show the PulseOX metrics on the My Day screen within the Connect Mobile APP.
Chris " I have thus far confirmed that you can edit My Day to add PulseOX for the Approach S62" -> No, we can't.
Hi Chris, I agree with Gilles that PulseOx is not one of the options available when trying to edit the My Day screen.
Hmmm... The smartphone I had available for testing purposes with an Approach S62 was an Android phone. I see that both you and vonbonds are each using an iPhone.
Gilles - Are you using an iPhone or an Android phone? Thank you!
I have an iphone Chris, should explain the difference.
Gilles - Thank you!
Update on manually taking your PulseOX readings on the Approach S62, syncing it, and the PulseOX not showing in the Connect Mobile APP. The APP also does not give the option to add the PulseOX card onto the My Day screen.
I have submitted a report to our Approach S62 and Connect Mobile APP engineers advising the Approach S62 PulseOX readings are not being sent to the Connect Mobile APP and the PulseOX card cannot be added to the My Day screen in the GCM APP.
Please fully update your Approach S62 software along with the Garmin Connect Mobile APP and you will be able to see the PulseOX My Day widget within the Connect Mobile APP.
I have the same issue on PulseOX/iPhone so looking forward to the solution.
Is there any status on the PulseOX data being sent to Connect mobile app? I work for a Healthcare company and PulseOX is another good instrument to detect early symptoms of COVID-19 - it will be helpful if Garmin can come up a way to record this historically or even enable the reading function on the S62 while sleeping to monitor oxygen levels automatically vs. doing it manually everyday.
I submitted a report request when Gilles reported it. Our Golf APP and Approach S62 engineers are looking into and considering adding the Pulse OX feature into the Connect APP for the watch.
Regarding sleep, it was by design choice and not expected to change.