Why Pulse Ox and swing tempo are only tracked by the watch and not synced with garmin connect ? Do i miss something ?
Why Pulse Ox and swing tempo are only tracked by the watch and not synced with garmin connect ? Do i miss something ?
Please add me to this feature request as well. I really want the PulseOX sent to the connect app so i can use it with Apple Health for statistics.
Also regarding swing tempo, i see the watch register tempo…
Gilles - The Garmin Connect Mobile APP will not show your Swing Tempo nor will it. It is not a metric that is being saved to later pass along to the Garmin Connect Mobile APP. It is a tool on the watch…
Update on manually taking your PulseOX readings on the Approach S62, syncing it, and the PulseOX not showing in the Connect Mobile APP. The APP also does not give the option to add the PulseOX card onto…
The PulseOX, if you are manually recording it at times, it syncs into the Connect Mobile APP as a health feature but not into the Golf APP since it is not a Golf feature. When you go the very bottom of your My Day screen, edit it and add PulseOX to show on your front page if you want to see that information. The swing tempo is a watch only feature to help you with swing tempo. It is not an analytical item that gets saved and then synced to an APP.
Hi Chris, there isn’t an option in My Day to add that screen. I’ve done manual Pulse OX readings as well as used the walking and hiking activity function (no idea if it’s supposed to take readings when doing an activity but throwing that out there). I’m using an iPhone and the app is at the latest release (4.29.1).
Is there something else I should do? Thanks
I am researching to see if there is a reason you are not seeing it as an option in the Connect Mobile APP. I will post an update as soon as possible. Thank you for letting us know.
Because it simply doesn't exist... and that's why i asked the question...
Concerning swing tempo, it exists as a golf item in garmin connect. Why isn't it populated ?
Hi Gilles, I think that is for people that have the truswing device which attaches to your club and has a lot more sensors in it for swing path etc.
Hi Chris, I can confirm that Pulse Ox is not available in the Connect App for me either. I am using iPhone XS and the latest app.
Hi Dave, i thought about that also but a part of the truswing info are the same as the swing tempo so is there any real reason to do not use that for this built-in trainer ?
Swing tempo and Truswing are two separate activities for the watch. Have you enabled the swing tempo activity and used it? The watch doesn’t track every swing for tempo, only when you specifically enable that function.
Gilles - The Garmin Connect Mobile APP will not show your Swing Tempo nor will it. It is not a metric that is being saved to later pass along to the Garmin Connect Mobile APP. It is a tool on the watch to help you personally during your swing.