What has happeden to club data?
What has happeden to club data?
Club Data missing is an issue on our end that has been given the highest priority in the last 24 hours when it first appeared.
Please know that this issue will be resolved as quickly as possible. Thank…
The same happened to me, at hole 15 to make it even more confusing.
UPDATE 9/28/2020:
This issue has been resolved. You should now see any missing club stat data.
Hi Chris. Recorded clubs used today 9/29/2020 on S20 just purchased last week and clubs used are blank/missing after recording for 18 holes. Ugh! Deleted and reinstalled Garson Golf but still missing. Please advise? Thank you.
6883827 - I sent you a Private Message to gather more information.
Hi Chris. My clubs stats are not shown as well. Is there a fix for this?
Thus far, the pattern seen is for those that have reached out after the club stats were resolved, are only missing 1-3 scorecards and whether there are 20 or 2000, all the other scorecards show their club stats again. Our engineers are now working on resolving those individual scorecards.
I have sent you a private message to gather more information.
If every round of golf since the issue was resolved, still shows unknown for your clubs, please reach out and speak with our Golf Product Support team. We have not had 1 single report worldwide reporting the issue is still taking place on all new scorecards since the issue was resolved Monday, September 28th.
If you are missing club stats on only 1 or 2 scorecards that was during the 4-5 day outage, those can be fixed if you contact us.