My use and opinion of the S60 watch with the CT10 sensors, the Truswing sensor and the G8 for viewpoint sharing.

I have the S60 watch with the CT10 sensors, the Truswing sensor and the G8
I used it for over two years now.
This is my opinion about the products and would like to share it with other golfers for sharing view points about it:
Garmin is a great company with some great products overall and hope they are doing well with their innovative products but i do not agree always on some points of their products and its workings. But that is ok.
tl:dr : Somewhere i am ok with the setup but overall i think the watch S60 and the CT10 sensors are not that great at all for a golfer considering the total price acquisition cost and other factors regarding the Garmin support and product life cycles of your purchase , imo. Truswing do not bother. G8 is great device.
Regarding the S60 there are other great options for you within the Garmin product range and other brands for better price point.
II use the S60 mainly for keeping score and quick f,m,b readings.
One of my biggest gripe is the lack of easy accessible and complete hazard information and not able to see my stroke scores hole by hole on the watch after the round is finished.
No club selection advice. I use the G8 for it and is also the reason i do not buy the G80.
They also released a new S62 watch and are leaving the S60 users a little bit in the cold which was a moderate to expensive price purchase.
Garmin support gives, imo, politically correct replies and then nothing happens with all the great ideas the forum members suggested during a long long period.
They still release some updates with some fixes so that is still ok but far away from all user generated suggestion and how all should work on the watch, imo.
I understand product life cycles etc. and making money for the company is important. That is ok.
For the long term a solid satisfied and product customer base feeling respected can attribute to that.
Right now i feel i am not such a customer.
Awkward things and feels using the Garmin golf software/web/interface environment, makes you feel it is not programmed by people who play golf their self or ever held a golf club in their hand (very subjective and would like to now from Garmin support of their programmers actually play golf to put this thought back to sleep.)
Goofy ui, strange stats display, editing methodology, data display, no editing max distance data of your driver for instance which messes up your club avg. info. no club selection.
To "reset your data" you have to retire each and every club with your "new" ones, etc.
You can not see your hole scores on the watch only the nr. of puts per hole after round of golf, only in/out, no hazards information readily available.
You need to drag the fairway with your finger then select the hazard to get some info of that point only nearby the hazard and not the hazard itself with front and back info for instance. Not accurate enough this way and time consuming.
This dragging is slow and annoying and I stopped caring and using it. I grab the G8 or laser to do it.
After one round of golf battery is too low to play another round on same charge.
Also look at the Z80 rangefinder product. Expensive and full of problems reported by users like slow, crashing, not correctly displaying the yellow info lines, etc. and not really improving updates given of the short lifespan. Instead making it better, what they do, they release a new Z82 and leaving the users in the cold again. This Z82 has also problems during use reported in the Garmin Z82 forum already. For some added features they mention you need your phone connected to the rangefinder also.
About the CT10 sensors.
Improved shot detection compared to the auto shot feature of the watch, yes. Perfect no.
Why was there a auto shot detection in the first place which does not work good at all (considering the purchase price of the watch and its sole purpose of being a watch for the golfer). Lots of no hits. Users a reporting this for long time and have to come up with solutions like hitting on the ground on purpose with your club after the shot has not been detected to make it work. Not so good for your lie angle i guess.
Puts within 0.5 meter no detection.
Practice swing in front of bunker before bunker shot hitting the ground detected, bunker shot itself not always detected.
Pitch, Chips and around green shots are detected much better and most of the time. Is good and i like this improvement over the auto shot detect feature the S60 has without the CT10 sensor.
Shots out of the rough with open blade and stance not always detected.
Shots out of the rough with a downward strike to pop it up in the air hit detected.
They fit in the butt hole of the club and I lost two CT10 sensor during golf. One was lost on the fairway and the other one was down in the golf bag. Now every time i check if they are still fitted tight before i play golf. This is a bit annoying but not really a pita. Would say ok not a deal breaker.
Overall the Tee shots, Fairway shots, Approach shots, short side chips are detected.
That is good and works as intended.
Battery life is good. Used it for over two years now with seasonal golf of about 30 rounds of golf played/year and battery is still good. This is good.
Uses standard cheap cr2032 batteries. Is also good.
About the TruSwing.
Do not bother.
Data is all over the place and inconsistent (Yes, my golf swing also) like the Zepp 2 and the Swingbyte 2 (Had all of them). Swingbyte 2 was the best if i had to make a decision which one to use. But the latch broke which makes it also do not bother and it is out of production, no longer supported. I think waste of money buying this kind of sensors. Start thinking more in the direction SC300, Mevo, Mevo+ or higher product class for accurate readings of your club swing metrics.
About the G8
Now the G8 is something i really like and use a lot.
It is accurate.
It has wifi.
It loads GPS data fast.
Battery life is good
Screen is ok and readable in sunlight but wish it was larger and has higher resolution.
It is relative easy to see and select the hazards.
Keeping score is too much trouble on this G8 with the menu pressings to enter your score.
No CT10 support
Does have TruSwing support.
G8 life cycle has ended. No updates not even forum category available
It has club selection advice which is one of the main reason I use it for.
This is really great feature imo. You select a point and it tell you what club to use. 5 meter in front of bunker and it tells you use 7i for instance. (If you top it it still goes in the bunker)
Green layout looks very good and is accessible with one press of the button.
I was interested in the G80 for better display and swing data but not having club selection is a must and the G80 is reported also with a lot of bugs and not real updates coming out for it.
I expect a G82 soon to be released instead giving the G80 purchasers relevant updates to make the product better. Same treatment they did with the S60 watch and the new S62 watch release.
If they release a new G8 comparable to the SkyCaddie SX500 without the subscription I would like to buy it in a instant. And the G80 is not that device due to lack of club selection advice for instance. Maybe this imaginary G82 is :)
This post is intended for information, different view points, discussion and opinion sharing only.
And last but not least:
I do not understand why the most challenging and difficult sports game in the world is categorized in their forum hierarchy as being labeled Outdoor-Recreation.
Happy golfing,
  • Interesting read golfdesperado.  I'm also concerned about Garmin support.   Even the 'support' link on the golf home screen just repeats the home page!  It's disappointing if the forum talk isn't being actioned by Garmin.

    I get all the missed shots too and add them in the app after the round if I can remember where they were!  You don't know when a shot is missed but I agree they are the soft grassy shots with no clean ball strike.  A vibrate that indicates a shot is recorded would help so you know when one is not (and then you can hit the ground!).

    A question; CT10 on putter; did you work out how to record the pin position?  I save the score at the pin and have tested with a round of 18 long putts and a round of 18 short putts but the results are mostly wrong. I think the watch assumes the pin is the centre of the green.  I shall try a round putting to an imaginary hole in the centre of the green....

  • Hi Keith99,

    The customer support seems to reply almost always with default replies. I can understand that it is no feasible to treat each and every forum post with complaints/suggestions/ideas/etc. to be answered in depth. I think they should but that is something else. Being truly connected with your users who are also willing to post on their forum I think is one of the most powerful marketing and brand loyalty building strategy out there. In this internet age almost most product users, before they purchase a product, browse the forum associated with that product to read about its use and problems and how the company is listening, not listening, supporting the users with updates, implementing suggestions, etc. From there they can sense if the company is respecting your expensive purchase and try to be with you along the use of their product as long as possible. That will create brand loyalty and respect, thus converting into more sales. If a user buys your expensive products and feel left in the cold with not functioning as advertised and other bugs they will abandon your product all together and will not become the voluntarily enthusiastic ambassadors of your product promoting it to their peers, on the contrary i might say.

    As far as i understand the pin position is fixed in the center of the green and can not be changed for this, what you asked.

    There where some suggestion by other forum users regarding the use of the CT10 and putting to implemented by Garmin but has not been done so far.

    I understand the CT10 sensors and putting in particular it is also not working on the S62 watch.

    I think your idea of vibrating when the shot is recorded is a good idea also.

  • Completely agree with your views on service and responding to customers reflecting on the brand.  I realised after I found the forum just today that I could have browsed it before spending £70 on the CT10 starter pack as I really only bought it for the chipping & putting stats which were advertised as being really useful but they are not.  I would say this is false advertising and in the UK I could complain to Trading Standards.  I'll just use the 3 sensors on driving and fairway clubs as they are at least recorded by name in the graphics for each hole.