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CT10 for chipping and putting


Thinking of buying the CT10 starter pack to track my chipping and putting stats.   Does it track chipping and putting distance?  If yes, how does the sensor know the flag position? Would appreciate your comments on this question before purchase.



  • Chipping works pretty well. I got the CT10 on my Lob Wedge and Sand Wedge, which I often use for chipping.

    But putting is another story. A lot of putts are so sensitive that the putt isn't recognized. I had the Arccos set before I switched to Garmin because of the S60. The Arccos putting sensor recorded 1 of 10 putts, but that is still more than the CT10 did. Maybe if you putt like a smith, then it might work :)

    And for the flag position it's an easy answer: The sensor doesn't know. There's no possibility to add the flag position or manual putts. Lots of people want to have such a feature. If you check the most recent threats in this forum, you'll find a big one where people complain about that missing feature. But when enough people complain, we might get it one day...

  • Thanks very much. I don’t think the CT10 can do what I want. Will watch for future developments.

  • I am using CT10 with putter and I have different experience . I see my sensor for putter to sensitive and from moment to time records more puts then in reality. Only some of very soft puts within last 10cm to the hole are not recorded.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    If the watch has not recorded your putts, it asks you to manually put the score and putts in after the hole anyway. If it has recorded all the putts it automatically moves on to the next hole.

  • you can reposition the flag so your putt distances are more accurate. on the map vie won your watch tap enlarge the green then tap anywhere on the green to move the flag

  • This apparently doesn't have any effect on the actual distances stored in the statistics (it is only for on course calculation)

  • Pin position is my big beef as the user manual says you should do it!  I've had a round of golf playing 18 short putts and 1 round setting 18 long putts and the output is mostly wrong. I assume therefore that putt length (S/M/L) is measured from the centre of the hole.  I thought saving the score at the pin would work but evidently not.  This would be why the chipping pie chart doesn't seem right as it will be measuring chips landing near the centre of the green....

  • Interesting.  I'm pleased this is being discussed but it seems we are not getting support from Garmin.  The only advantage to having the putter sensor seems to be if you hole all your first putts from distance to get the shot recorded and then the score updates correctly.  I am disappointed with the putting CT10 so it seems the only benefit of having a CT10 is to keep one on the driver so the club used on 14 shots at least are recorded properly.

  • Garmin need to buy Shot Scope and use their technology. Far superior when it comes to approaches, chips and putting.