How to keep CT10 securely attached to clubs?

After one year of using CT10 sensors all works good except for one important thing, sometimes sensor fly off my club during swing. So far I have not lost any sensors but few of times I was very lucky to notice that sensor was missing after swing and finding it few yards in front of me. I have tried many ways to make sensors stay on top of my clubs mainly by applying electric tape or self amalgamated tape but this solution goes bad very quickly because tape gets damaged when pulling out and putting in clubs in my bag. 

I wonder if any of you experienced similar problem and and found good solution to it.

  • I tried it underneath the sensor but that really didn't help. So I ran a bead of Shoe Goo where the sensor makes contact with the grip on the outside of the two and smeared\smoothed it with my finger. So far it's lasted several months and maybe a dozen rounds. Losing a sensor is no longer a concern.

    Photo 1

    Photo 2

  • As of this week I have now lost two sensors on my driver.  Two different grips from different companies.   This time I didn't notice it until 3 holes later when my watch asked which club I just hit with.   what gives Garmin?  

  • Hi, the problem I keep having is sensors keep snapping, the screw part stays in the club and the rest of it goes flying, I’ve had three now replaced, I’m not an aggressive player so it's not that, but I have a towel at the bottom of the bag to protect the sensors from banging about, I've got the shoe goo to also give them a hold on the top of the club so it doesn't just rely on the thread, I am now this close to just taking them back and getting my money back instead of keep replacing them but I do like the product. 

  • I ended up using electrical tape to secure them.    Just wrap it around the sensor sides and club handle about 5 wraps.  Have not lost one since.   This method allows you to remove if needed for things like handle regrip without mess from glue

  • When you secure the screw mount end of the sensor into the breathe-hole at the end of the golf grip, ensure during use that the sensor is always secured and screwed in flush with the grip end during rounds, and when stored back in the golf bag. 

    The screw threading is designed to fit most standard grip ends, but the design of grips will vary between manufacturers, so some grip designs may vary on the snugness of the fit with the CT-10 sensor threading. 

    Garmin does not have a specific recommendation, but when is best to discuss use of the sensors with the grip design with a golfsmith....some users have used plumbers tape to increase the threading size on the sensor. 

    Please direct message if you have any questions for me, or if I can be of further I would like to help ensure you are able to continue enjoying the benefits of the sensors while golfing. 

  • It is frustrating that we spend this much money on sensors and have to tape them, glue them or shave down cork to create a smaller hole in the grip allowing the threads to have a stronger grip. Ultimately, the sensors need to be improved either through the width of thread, depth of thread or something. I too, if you can’t already tell, have issues with these sensors coming off all the time. With or without new grips, I have tried both, and am fast-approaching trying Arrcos instead!

  • I've just played a round today and I didn't put tape around that one and guess what another one snapped so frustrating RageRagepitching wedge this time 

  • Can you provide some additional details regarding the, "snapping" of the pitching wedge sensor you mentioned?

  • I've been looking at the posts regarding the sensors.  I just obtained some Garmin CT10s and they seemed to work loose from my grip easily.  I was due for some new grips and just regripped my clubs with Golfpride MCC Plus 4 Midsize grips.  Even though I didn't buy the grips knowing this would happen,  the butt end of these grips have a very firm (less rubbery) material to which the Garmin CT10 fits very tight and snug.  I have played some rounds with this setup and can tell that unless I'm very rough with my clubs the CT10 aren't going to work loose.  I guess the moral of the story is that not all grips are the same, and one might consider the potential CT10 stability when regripping one's clubs.  I hope you have found a solution for your CT10 situation.

  • I play with the exact same grips and had the issue almost from day 1. I think there are a few factors but not the least of which is swing speed and precision of strike. I imagine a thin or, more so a chunk, will cause increased vibrations etc that work them loose. 

    no great solution it seems