Drive distance?

If I am in the 96% range on Drive on my handicap of 17.How come my drive distance is only 9% ?

My average drive is 235m or 257 yards so that's well above average?

  • My apologies to the initial response I provided on this post a little over a year ago. I made the mistake of conveying that a lower % indicates a higher than average performance stat for the post topic in relation to Drives. 

    Since my previous response, we have updated our FAQ content regarding performance stats earlier this year through the support article linked below: 

    Edited: September 4th, 2024. Correction to previous post where I made the mistake of explaining a lower % as best vs a higher %. 

  • So why is he 96% in Drive and only 9% in driver distance?

    Are you saying  he's doing poor in driving but great at driving distance?

    I swear, you would think Garmin were purposely trying to make their app confusing and unusable.

    In the same list of 5 different areas of your game, a high percentage can both mean you're doing poorly or great. I bought two new Fenix watches in 2 different sizes for golf.

    The app is appalling. There are messages saying similar over the past 4 years yet nothing has changed. Whoever is over the Golf App team needs to be replaced. It's like they're trying to kill Garmin sales.

    The app is so outdated and nobody at Garmin is interested in improving it. I see that Cody is replying to the feedback, but is he actually doing something about it or is he paid just to chat with customers? There seems to be a breakdown in communications between this forum and the App developers.

    When are the heads of Garmin going to realise that their Golf team are taking them for a ride and losing them a huge amount in sales? I'm returning my 2 watches now and moving to Shotscope

  • It's all rubbish now my drives are going further but now it says my drive distance is 44% when the average distance shown on the app for my drives are 257 metresRolling eyes

  • If you have concerns with the breakdown of your performance stats in relation to the Drives section showing on your account, I recommend contacting Garmin Support to discuss your data with a Golf Specialist. 

    They can discuss any performance stats related concerns after confirming your account to get more insight into the metrics you are seeing, or any potential questions you may have in relation to what your stats are currently showing. 

    I have also corrected my initial response above as we have updated the Golf Performance Stats article on the Garmin Support site to reflect a clearer breakdown of Golf Performance Stats.

  • It's So confusing that even Garmin don't know the meaning of the data.

    So why is the user only getting 9% in driver distance when he obviously drives further than 99% of people playing golf.

    Your explanation of 0 is lowest and 100% best does not stand.

    What does the 9% on his Driver Distance mean?

  • Why isn't a 'Golf Specialist' available on the forums?

    It is totally pointless speaking to Garmin-Cody. I've looked back through years and years of complaints and recommendations on this forum and it's like none of it has ever been passed on to those that have the ability to understand the game of golf and the know how to make the software changes.

    Why have a Golf section on the forum when we are left to interact with someone that has no interest in improving the Golf app?

    The App looks like something from an 80's Amstrad and the data delivered is next to useless. Even Garmin staff cannot give straight answers on what's displayed.

    Why is nobody at Garmin stepping in and changing the teams in charge of both the golf section of this forum and the development of the golfing app?

    Surely they can see that they're missing out on so many sales to golfers because of what appears to be lazy staff.

    Is there an email address for senior management, to raise this with, along with a collection of complaints from golfers on these forums?