Approach R50 and GSPro on Mac Crossover

Have hit a wall using Approach R50 and GSPro on crossover on a macbook m2 w/16GB of RAM. 

The only way I could get a regular PC working with the GSPro was connecting the PC to the GSPro hotspot and disabling wifi on the R50 after the license checks were complete, then clicking the R50 button on the GSPro Connect screen. 

Crossover unfortunately crashes GSPro connect with this approach everytime. 

Have checked with both GSPro support and Crossover support and it seems there is an exception thrown in GSProconnect when the IP address changes. 

Have tried pretty much every network configuration I can think of, with the most logical one being leave wifi on the garmin and connect mac only through the garmin hotspot, but to no avail. 

Anyone have any luck with R50/GSPro/Mac/Crossover?

  • I find Reddit to be a great source of information. I came across this the other week, maybe it’s of use to you?

  • I was able to run GS Pro running on Windows 11 inside of Parallels Desktop on my M1 MacBook Pro. I just did the normal hotspot connection. I gave up because it seemed like GS Pro was too unstable in that environment. I went all in and configured a nice Alienware laptop through Dell and that has been working great. No real wifi issues although at times the R50 light to position the ball is not lit so I have to restart the R50.  It reconnects to GS Pro so I do not lose anything.  I think I may have had to do some sort of network bridging to get the MacBook to work but I am old and already forgot. There is a post on this forum where I talked about that.

  • I have hit the wall myself running into the exact same issue where trying to connect to Garmin R50 will instantly crash the connector window in GS Pro. GS Pro continue to run, but the connection window disappears. 

    Why would the IP address change? If that's the case, I wonder if setting up proxy server will help.

    I tried pining the R50's hotspot within the Crossover bottle, and that seems to work fine, so that's the crazy part 

  • I have run into the same issue with the GSPro Connect window dying as well. I’m trying to work out what the connector is doing and how the LM connects to it. I have a theory that it’s a permission issue within crossover that doesn’t the connector to bind port 921 to the operating system. This would explain why GSPro still runs and is only a connector issue

    Unfortunately I don’t have a windows machine to help test this theory out at the moment

    i’ll continue investigating this as I would love for this to work on Crossover

  • So I gave up and bought a PC after Crossover said they had run into similar problems in the past and wouldn’t fix and gspro dug into the exception thrown and pointed me to a GitHub link for the library throwing the exception related to multicast dns. 
    if helpful, the working/stable configuration for the PC is to connect the pc to the garmin hotspot and leave the garmin connected to WiFi so the license checks work. 
    Let us know if you find any success! 

  • I have everything working on a native windows machine so happy to run any easy(ish) commands!

  • I’ve managed to get a virtualised windows machine running on my Mac now to get a better feel for what GSProConnect is doing

    i am still feeling this out as well as I’m new to GSPro myself so I’m working out what is correct behaviour and what is not. I have managed to get GSProConnect to run so that is a bit of progress.

    i have reached out to GSPro support as well regarding what GSProConnect is doing. Hopefully they don’t view my activities as malicious as I’m snooping around their system Grimacing

    I get the gut feeling that GSProConnect won’t work with crossover. So I’m also exploring potentially exotic solutions to this as well.