R50 shots going short and always left, tested against 3 other monitors and they all said that I was hitting my shots straight, but the R50 always goes 20 yards left, and 20 yards short even with a PW, Abad unit or something wrong with the working out?

I set up the R50 along side the R10, Rapsodo and mevo+, the results are worrying.

All 3 of the other monitors were within 2 yards for distance, and left to right dispersion, even when tried with Awesome golf.

But according to the R50, I'm hitting my PW 20 yards short compared to the other 3, and with Driver 40 yard's less.

I have tried altering the ball position but it doesn't change the shot shape.

This will be returned for a refund as it seems your own R10 and the cheaper Rapsodo and Mevo+ all seem to be correct and the R50 miles off.

What is going on with this unit, the other 3 can't be wrong as they distances match my shots on the course.

  • I’m having same issue, just received my R50 two days ago.  PW is 15-20 yards short left.  The price I paid for this unit has me concerned I should stick with my Mevo as it’s 99% accurate.  What can be done?

  • Were you able to get your unit adjusted or issue resolved by Garmin?  My unit is brand new and having the exact same issue with left and shirt.

  • The shop took back the unit and reset everything, the left and right is better now but the distance is still down a little bit but im now having issues with it missing 25% of shots, i had it set up with my r10 and that never missed a shot in 100 shots but the r50 missed 24 shots, I don't know what is going on to be honest

  • Please contact our Garmin Support office in your region if you are having these concerns to speak with a golf specialist, so one of our experts can determine solutions for your concern. 

  • Just got my R50, I am a 5hcp and play a lot of golf.  My numbers are 10-30 yards too short with the unit compared to real life (pw going 115 when easily 145 on course).  Has garmin still not come up with an answer or solution to this?  

  • Yeah, having the same problem; very frustrating. 

  • How do you contact Garmin Support?

  • I have the same initial impression. PW to 5i shots are easily 20-30 meters short. I have been using GCQuad a lot and have a reasonably good idea of ho far an average good shot goes. The GCQuad numbers agree quite well with outdoor play results. R50 is 20+ meters short even if I send it really hard. Shot shapes don't feel off, spin seems too high. Using indoors, perhaps a bit dark.

  • I'm having the same problem with two different R50 units. My R10 and R50 are measuring nearly identical ball metrics. With my driver - launch angle within .5 degree, ball speed exactly identical, spin with 500 - My R10 will show 240 yards of carry with a 10-15 yard draw - what I see on the range or while playing a round. My R50 will be lucky to show 200 yards of carry and the left bias will be 30 or 40 yards further. No matter what I do to adjust settings I can't get accurate readings from the R50. If the ball metrics are being read identically then it has to be a software issue. So far I see a lot of similar complaints on this forum but nothing being really addressed by Garmin. I'm taking both units back. 

  • every setup is different. I have used the MEVO+ before the Garmin R50 and had 2 weeks of overlay. the main reason of buing the Garmin R50 was the distance drop with the MEVO+ indoors. Outdoor the MEVO+ did show absolute solid results, indoors with the same clubs and swing, I was missing 15-20% of ballspeed and distance. even with RCT balls it was not significant better.

    Since I am using the R50 those issues are gone. ball flight on the screen looks like the ball flight I can see, when using outdoor and there is no noticable differnece when using the device indoor, what it is mainly usage. So for me it was an absolutely wealthy upgrade.