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Garmin R50 Accuracy

Hello Garmin Team,

do you have a specification document on the accuracy of the R50.
I woudl be interested which deviations in degrees we have to expect for club data as well as the deviation for ball data.

Thank you!

  • Nothing to me, it's not good that this unit is so far off of its lower priced competitors isn't it? 

    I've contacted Golf swing systems about it as I thought it was just my unit, it seems not.

    The distance difference is terrible 20 yrs short and 15 yards left on every shot and with driver even more, not happy at all

  • Yea very disappointed in this.  They should have someone on the message boards here working with us on this. 

  • I bought mine from golf swing systems also and I’ve left a message saying the unit is not accurate. Have they responded to you? 

  • Just hit with a trackman. R50 was reading about  5-10 yds shorter and a little lower spin. Will be returning if they have no answers. 

  • Got mine from golf swing as well, I've emailed them but the same as you, if not response it's going back, doesn't seem to be all of them, but I wonder if the people who are happy with it haven't cross reference it against other monitors, I have and the r50 is miles off, my r10 is more accurate. Unless we have a bad batch? Still not good though for £4300.00 is it?

  • Golf swing systems rang me today and are picking up the unit tomorrow to test it, if found not accurate then they will replace it, or so they said

  • Just tested new R50 against a Mevo+. All metrics very similar, only a numeral or two on all club and ball data. After reading the users guide I realized someone’s previous comment on leveling is not an issue because the unit auto levels itself no matter where you place it. I also noticed that the numbers were a little bit off when there was some sunlight glare near the cameras and unit. Users guide mentions this and suggests that glare will throw numbers off. Also no difference between white and yellow balls for those interested. 

  • Just tested new R50 against a Mevo+. All metrics very similar, only a numeral or two on all club and ball data. After reading the users guide I realized someone’s previous thread/comment on leveling is not an issue because the unit auto levels itself no matter where you place it. I also noticed that the numbers were a little bit off when there was some sunlight glare near the cameras and unit. Users guide mentions this and suggests that glare will throw numbers off. Also no difference between white and yellow balls for those interested. 

  • That’s good news. They still haven’t contacted me yet. I’ll ring them again tomorrow. Let me know what they say re: your unit. I’m on a Facebook group and a few members having the same issues. 

  • Ive tried all colours of balls, tried it with lights on and off on all launch monitors. If 3 cheaper units can get it correct under the same lighting, then there is something wrong, maybe not with all units but a good chunk of them. 6 posts on here with problems, 2 without problems, so 66% not working correctly. I understand they are trying to get these out before Xmas but i feel this is a bit like Apple, they release a product early and get the public to find the floors, and it costs them nothing, Apple are masters of this, releasing the product without proper R&D, they take the money, do no R&D as this costs a lot and then try and apply the fixes, very clever but unfair to paying customers?