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Interference Test

Hi all,

I have been using my garmin R10 with the Mholo Bluetooth connector program for GSPro.

Recently, I keep getting an error “script” within the connector stating “interference_test” every time I tried to swing a club in front of the monitor. When I swing, the following scripts come up:
state: recording; state: processing then it ends in state: interference_test”

Has anyone had this issue before? Nothing is registering and I’ve tried resetting the R10 and reinstalling GSPro and downloading the updated connector.

  • Removed due to info that was relevant at the time, no longer being relevant due to the change in GSPro now being supported. 

  • There does not appear to be any correlation with GSPRO and this issue. Without loading GSPRO, the connector that I use to connect the Garmin and my laptop via bluetooth shows what the R10 is doing when the monitor is ready, motion/swing is detected and when its calculating/processing the shot. Basically gives a view into the internal workings of the Garmin processes. 

    From Garmin's perspective, what does Interference_Test mean in the Garmin's process'?

    The monitor doesn't work with Garmin's compatible programs either.

  • Edited January 3rd, 2025: 

    My previous comments to this thread were at a time when GSPro was not supported by Garmin for use with the Approach R10. 

    Since this post was created, GSPro has been added as a compatible 3rd party platform for use with the Approach R10. 

  • Thanks for the information here.

  • Please refer to the new verified response on this post, as I have edited my response for the recent change in the last month or so to GSPro now being compatible and supported for use with the Approach R10. 

    This thread will be locked due to age and the discussion no longer being relevant to support platforms for the R10. Please create a new post thread to allow for current use discussions with supported 3rd party platforms.