Distance to R10 Menu Option Reverts Back to 7ft

I'm curious if this is a bug or if the distance to R10 slider in the menu actually does anything? Here are the steps I'm taking:

1. From the Golf Sim menu select TruGolf E6 and Play on PC

2. Once the session has started tap the menu icon

3. Slide the distance to R10 slider to 8ft and tap Done in the top right corner

4. Go back into the menu and slider is set back to 7ft

I noticed this after changing the physical distance to the R10 from 7 to 8 feet in my garage to allow more space to walk behind the hitting area. I haven't necessarily noticed an obvious change in the numbers yet so it doesn't seem like the slider does anything, in which case I want bother changing it.

If it does actually change how the R10 (not the Garmin Golf app) calculates numbers then this bug should be fixed and the setting should be retained. What would be even better is adding a global setting for people who always place the R10 in the same spot and then allow it to be changed at the session level, say if I go to the range and only have 7 feet I can change it just for that session.