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R10 Approach Connection Issues - Entering Standby Mode or Searching for Connection

I am having a problem where my Garmin R10 Approach is not working correctly when in the golf sim apps. I can connect the device to my phone (LG V30) and within Garmin Golf app the device is visible (e.g. can see battery status etc.), however when I go into the driving range or home tee hero, the device blinks white, (indicating standby mode), sometimes blinks blue (indicated its searching to connect), and every now and then will flash green and work, but for only a few shots before reverting to standby mode, or searching to connect mode.
The unit worked fine for about 25 minutes of use when I initially received it and got it up and running, before reverting to standby mode in the middle of the driving range session, and subsequently has had the issues as described at the beginning of the question.
I have tried restarting the app, forgetting and re-adding the R10 device, reinstalling Garmin Golf app, restarting Bluetooth, however I am still experiencing this issue.
I have tried the device with my partners phone, and it appeared to work without issue.
Can anyone offer advice on how to resolve this issue?

  • I sent mine back just over a week ago, right before this issue really exploded. My symptoms were very slightly different, though, so I think it may have actually been a bad unit. Sucked telling my 8 year old what will eventually be coming for Christmas. 

    If you have the exact symptoms as most have described and one of the "bad" serial numbers I'd probably hold onto it if I were you.

  • Hi All, I just got my R10 and I'm having the same issue. I use an Android phone so I'm able to downgrade the Garmin Golf App from the latest version to an older one. This seemed to fix the "connection" issue, however, it still didn't track any shots. I was trying in my basement so I'm going to try outside tomorrow and see if that changes anything. I wonder if there is a firmware issue as well.. 

  • Has there been any progress in resolving this issue? My R10 worked great when I first tried it on 23rd, went to use it again today (28th) and it is now having the issues as the original post. Really disappointing.

  • What likely happened was that your R10 updated automatically while connected to your phone. It's apparent that the latest firmware has some issue where it registers your back swing as a forward swing.

    There isn't a permanent fix yet from Garmin.. but if you can get the R10 to actually connect to your phone and stay connected, you can use the "no back swing" method. So if you really want to use it, either swing backwards very slowly or just go to the top of your swing and give it a go. 

  • For the record, similar issue with my new unit. Connected to iPhone today using existing Garmin app (have the Approach S60 as well - love it). Worked great so I invited a friend over to check it out. It was a couple hours later that day so I had turned the unit off. When I turned it on it initially displayed a "sync issue". So I turned it back off, confirmed bluetooth connection and sync looked to be working. But now during range session same issue of not recording any shots. There's a blinking green light, that turns solid green for a few seconds after swing, flashes briefly blue then resumes blinking green. No shot recorded. 

    I've only used the range so far. 

    I've updated R10 to v3.80 this evening (not optimistic will resolve issue from reading this thread), will also cover concrete floor with some carpet between the hitting mat and the unit as suggested in FAQs and give it a go tomorrow. Will also check to see if Garmin Connect app needs an update. 

    FYI - SN: 6PN

  • I just spoke with the Garmin Customer Service in Germany.

    So far there is no news.

    They assured me that they are working full speed to solve the problem. Tired face

    keep ... GolferGolf

  • The following had no effect on swing capture:

    • Update to v3.8
    • covering concrete with carpet
    • using Home Tee Hero

    What did work was either:

    • starting swing at the top (by moving club to full backswing beyond R10 sensor)
    • backswing ~ 25% of normal speed

    This appears to fit an earlier comment about the unit improperly interpreting the backswing as the downswing and subsequently failing to record the swing.

    Only things haven’t done is:

    • check app version
    • try hitting at the range 
    • spin around and click heels

    Not optimistic about any of those.

  • Just got an update that there's a new 3.90 software release. Installing now .

    Fingers crossed

  • It worked for me, but distance way off

  • Just seen the message from mch64 and started the update before I go to bed Wink

    The LED is doing what it should if I'm whipping with my hand through. Slight smile

    red LED during the movement and after it switches to green, without standby or wake-up

    Tommorow I'll check the unit at the driving range, let's see whether it will regognize my beauitiful swing.

    Right now I have only one doubth, the LED is flashing also pink now, maybe that's a sign .... !? JoyJoyJoy