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R10 Approach Connection Issues - Entering Standby Mode or Searching for Connection

I am having a problem where my Garmin R10 Approach is not working correctly when in the golf sim apps. I can connect the device to my phone (LG V30) and within Garmin Golf app the device is visible (e.g. can see battery status etc.), however when I go into the driving range or home tee hero, the device blinks white, (indicating standby mode), sometimes blinks blue (indicated its searching to connect), and every now and then will flash green and work, but for only a few shots before reverting to standby mode, or searching to connect mode.
The unit worked fine for about 25 minutes of use when I initially received it and got it up and running, before reverting to standby mode in the middle of the driving range session, and subsequently has had the issues as described at the beginning of the question.
I have tried restarting the app, forgetting and re-adding the R10 device, reinstalling Garmin Golf app, restarting Bluetooth, however I am still experiencing this issue.
I have tried the device with my partners phone, and it appeared to work without issue.
Can anyone offer advice on how to resolve this issue?

  • Got my R10 yesterday and it had no shot tracking.  Also had to wake up the unit all the time.  Came to this forum just tried it outside instead of inside and I tried it plugged in also.  Still no shot tracking however I did notice a different pattern in the lights plugged in vs not plugged in.

    When running on battery the device would wake up and blink green, hit my shot and then solid green for a few seconds then blink white/yellow

    When running plugged in the device would wake up and blink green, hit my shot and then would get brief red light then solid green light then go to blinking blue light.

    Unfortunately still no shot tracking on the app.

  • I have the same problem. No shot tracking after pairing with my cell phone. I can see the R10 is connected but no tracking is possible. If I start the driving range mode I have to wake up the R10 and the LED changed from blinking white to blinking green. After the first shot the LED lights up green until my ball lands. Then the R10 switches directly to blinking white, without any shot reckording on the garmin golf app.

    I'm using a Samsung Galaxy note 9 cell phone.

    I have tried everything, new pairing, new installation Garming Golf app & Garmin Connect, updates, ....

    .. but still no shot tracking

    Does anyone have any ideas ????

    Since I received the R10 only yesterday, I'm thinking to send the sh... device back and claim my payment back  :-(

  • Call Garmin support ask for another unit. 

  • Were you able to solve your problem?

    I just tried my wife's cell phone, there the R10 switches to connect mode (blinkimg blue) after the shot, but does not connect.

  • No I read some forums and tried some suggestions but got no tracking. I got mine yesterday also. I called Garmin yesterday at the end of the support day they are going to send me another unit. But I didn't get tracking number so I assume they will get to it on Monday. If I don't get a tracking number Monday I will contact them if it can't come this week I may return to 2nd swing golf and order another. I have two weeks off starting Wednesday I want to play this thing. Otherwise I may drop for a Skytrak. 

  • I have the same thing here ask Garmin customer service for help but waiting their tech team to respond to troubleshoot. I don't think much I can do now.

  • I have the exact same issue. I´ve tried the device in a few different places. After the shot the green light appears for a few seconds and then the blue lights appears and after that it turns in Stand-By Mode. The Device didn´t recognize the shot.

  • I`m just back from Garmin support chat, they told me that many customers reported about the same issue. So far they have no solution. They could not find any mistake on my end and they have no answere why the system doesen't work. They recomend to wait for the next software update. They expect the same problems even if the unit is replaced. ....

    Now I will try to get a new unit from my dealer, but unfortunately it was sold out again, ...... really unsatisfactory....!!

  • So I had this exact same issue.  Yesterday it worked great then today I couldn't get it to do anything for hours.  The only thing I had done differently last night than today was my Garmin watch.  I turned it off and everything started to work just fine.  Think I overdid back is sore.  

  • I have the same problem with a new one - when i wake up the R10 the green light ist flashing, while shot there is a constant green Led the for a short moment blue flashing which turns into white flashing (standby). Garmin opened a customer case, i send them a video which shows the problem, hoping for soon feedback. The hotline says in an few days they will get an answer from the US-developers.