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R10 Approach Connection Issues - Entering Standby Mode or Searching for Connection

I am having a problem where my Garmin R10 Approach is not working correctly when in the golf sim apps. I can connect the device to my phone (LG V30) and within Garmin Golf app the device is visible (e.g. can see battery status etc.), however when I go into the driving range or home tee hero, the device blinks white, (indicating standby mode), sometimes blinks blue (indicated its searching to connect), and every now and then will flash green and work, but for only a few shots before reverting to standby mode, or searching to connect mode.
The unit worked fine for about 25 minutes of use when I initially received it and got it up and running, before reverting to standby mode in the middle of the driving range session, and subsequently has had the issues as described at the beginning of the question.
I have tried restarting the app, forgetting and re-adding the R10 device, reinstalling Garmin Golf app, restarting Bluetooth, however I am still experiencing this issue.
I have tried the device with my partners phone, and it appeared to work without issue.
Can anyone offer advice on how to resolve this issue?