R10 distances seem off.

I have been using the R10 for a couple days now and my distances seems way off. Seems very club is approx 20yards short from the range? Is there anything that needs to be done with calibration?

  • Glad to have found this forum I’ve been fighting this thing for three days trying to get the numbers right. Inside and outside doesn’t matter, everything is about 20 yards short. Seems like the spin rates are calculated too high and taking distance off maybe. Hopefully these issues are fixed with an update soon seems like a more accurate algorithm will fix it. 

  • I feel like it's doing good at the driving range. Remember that range balls have up to 10% less distance and I think they also have more spin. The floaters could be even more range limited. I did notice a 20% distance decrease hitting into a net even with the recommended 7 feet away from the net distance. Unfortunately I was really only able to safely use the net at about 5 feet out.

    I think there should be an offset option for a close net and even foam balls(almost golf balls), that would make life so much better.

    Just figured out about the firmware update and installed it. I will see how it does next week.

  • Yet another new user experiencing shorter distances here especially with the longer clubs.
    after some disappointing net sessions, I took mine out on the course where I measured a number of shots with different clubs and then paced them out using my Garmin Approach G3 to get accurate actual distances....

    Every Carry & Total distance measured short on the R10 against reality. Driver carry averaged 12% short,(30 yards!), Hybrid & irons a little less, between 5% & 10% but that's still at least a club difference.
    So this isn't just an 'into the net' problem although my readings at home did seem even worse.

    I raised a support call and was advised to upgrade to 3.30, (I think I was on 3.10 but may've already been on 3.30).
    Into the net, I noticed a small improvement possibly ? and I'll take it back out on the course later this week when I have time but it still feels well out.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great device, the shot pick up is good, the app design is top notch, and comparing shot to shot, the relative measurements seem good.... but if distance isn't close to accurate, it's usefulness and simulation play is pointless.

  • I’m having the same issues as everyone. I dialed in the alignment which seemed to help shot shape but has anyone tried it with the E6 program? Distances and shot shape seem to be much more accurate on there for some reason. Driver is still about 5-10 yards short on carry and still can’t get it to pick up 3 wood or 4 iron shots (they all show as worm burners. Referring to inside with a net.

  • My R10 also has firmware 3.3. With the driver approx. 5-10 mph too low and approx. 20 - 30 yards too short. So far I have only hit in a golf cage with a net - DR possibly on the weekend.

  • We downloaded the update.  Not seeing the distance issues at all.  We saw problems out of the box with Club Speed, but not with the distances.  On the range today and all the distances were consistent with 112 mph swing speeds.  290 carries and 300 totals with range balls outside.

  • Bobby try it not on the range I’m the opposite only had a chance to use it at home into a net and it seems like it’s short on distance hoping to get to range this week to see how it compares 

  • Most issues are indoors or into a net...

  • Has there been any update to this. I just started using mine inside in my garage. The distances are brutal. Apparently I can not swing faster then 37MPH and 42 ball speed.

  • I've definitely witnessed the inaccuracate numbers.  Driver swing speed seems off like 10 mph and while most of my drives visually were going 250, I could barely show 200 on the r10.  It made it really frustrating playing home tee hero because drives wouldn't clear obstacles even tho drives wrrr crushed. Definitely not very accurate.  Lower irons/Wedges seemed more accurate.