fresh public FIT files for decoder testing/benchmark from DC Rainmaker Enduro review

Always appreciate DC Rainmaker making his FIT files public, he's posted a really fresh set today attached to his Enduro review

(if anyone knows of other public FIT sources let me know, particularly interested in any elite ultra/triathlon races)

Various devices and accessories in each set: (older fenix 6x/pro/solar review from 2019)

his analyzer is pretty good too, this one has the Enduro+HRMPRO

this one has the Enduro on a "forest run" compared to the 945 with HRMPRO

looks like the Enduro optical is spot on with just a couple of spikes compare to the HRM strap

Bring on the 955 and Fenix7, can't wait to see what's in CIQ4 and the newest FIT files.

  • That analyser is pretty cool. I'd like one for the 3D sensors I'm dealing with... Is "FIT-o-holic" a thing? Because slowly becoming one, devouring every FIT-file I can get my grubby hands on. Thanks for the links!

  • it's amazing people are already producing tools with that javascript parser

    HRE seems similar to TRIMP (and garmin/firstbeat's training load which is metmax based)

    HRE would be limited in that you cannot compare heartbeats for two different athletes because heart pump volume can vary widely depending on body size and training - in fact you could not compare the same athlete at two different ages, TRIMP "normalizes" that somewhat

    I am not sure if my guessing is correct but after studying global message id 140  for days and weeks even, I started to believe 140:5 is what I call "met-capacity" and 140:6 is "met-work" for the activity and you can get something like the daily load by  metwork / metcapacity, then the watch keeps a rolling average for 7 days

    What's also neat is message id 78 which is HRV data when using a HRM strap, I threw the values into uplot to see what they look like in a graph, this is the timing between heartbeats, not sure what is up with the start and end unless maybe the strap was not working right

  • ΗRΕ = HR*pace is derived for runners and is of clear sence = number of heart rate beats per kilometer. Example of the analysis is given here  you can find their graphs. The metrics like TRIMP are useful, but these are just empiric correlatuions, and their meaning is not compltely clear for me

  • producing tools with that javascript parser

    For fitplotter, I used parser published by Dimitrios Kanellopoulos while ago in github. Actulally, the friend of mine who used Suunto, asked me about the utility, (in Russion)

  • I did, looks nice! But If you meant for the 3d sensor data, this exists in separate fit messages (164/gyroscope_data, 165/accelerometer_data, 208/magnetometer_data) and must be augmented with calibration data (167/three_d_sensor_calibration) on top. I don't really make use of Record/20 right now. For GPS on the VIRB it's 160/gps_metadata, for example.

  • Thank you for testing.  Now online fitplotter version is ready 

    As to fit messages, the structure of js fit-parser is clear, so new definitions can be added. Right now, I do not know whether 164/gyroscope_data, 165/accelerometer_data, 208/magnetometer_data, etc messahes are taken into the fit-parser outcome - must look in the code. The fitplotter uses js fit parser outcome as it is, and gives a droplist for all messages to plot the supplied data. As runner, I am interested in few of them, i.e. heart_rate, cadence, etc;  as well there are data what I have no idea about 

  • Yep, that's the one I tried. Slight smile

    As for data and parsing, I guess I do it in two steps. The first and most important step to me is to have a parser that's as generalised as possible that outputs non-interpreted data (i.e. longitude will just be a sint32 in semicircles still. That way I can pick and choose for the second step, processing. Trying to create a fit parsing library in Rust out of the parse code for a tool I built, but it's not quite there yet.

    Of course, in the processing step I still need to re-shape into more specific data structures, similar to what you seem to suggest for the js parser.

    FIT-files come in so many varieties. Specific messages may contain a set of fields for one device that another does not log. 160/gps_metadata has only two fields for the watch data I've looked at - if it's even there in the first place - while the VIRB logs 10 known fields and 5 unkown for that message type.

  •  as possible that outputs non-interpreted data (i.e. longitude will just be a sint32 in semicircles still. 

    it's easy. file src/bf-backfit.js, line 730 - just change there the const 

    scConst: 180 / Math.pow(2, 31)

    (other mentioned below files are in the same src/ location )

    I have checked quickly the parser, the loop starting at Line 115 src/bf-fit-parser.js is trasparent, and messages are defined in src/bf-fit.js e.g. there is at line 933 - 164/ 'gyroscope_data',  so the above loop treats messages in the abstract way

    If you share an example of a fit file to analyse and specify what do you want to have a plot  (which parameters as a function of timestamp, etc ), I can try

  • Sorry I was unclear. All conversions are working fine (including calibrating 3d sensor values hopefully). I just meant that my first step intentionally outputs something raw-is so that in the next step I can always predict the input data structure.

    But yep, it's the abstract interpretation I mean.

    I posted a small virb fit file here.

    To see what I mean you can try the tool I linked (I have some upcoming bug-fixes + changes not yet added to the linked version):

    "geoelan check -f"

    to see an overview of what's in the file.


    "geoelan check -f -g 20" to print all 20/Record data for example.