Under Review
over 2 years ago

Upgrade SDK deps so modern Linux distros work.

I can't use the simulator and thus connectiq on Fedora 30.  I assume all modern distros are affected because libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0 is way too old to be included or even available on current generation distributions.

Please update your deps or better yet compile the simulator statically so it doesn't require ancient libraries.

  • I got the same problem. I have tried to circumvent this by running the apps/simulator on MacOS Catalina but their security restrictions prevent me from doing that. Basically I got no avenues to use your SDK on any of my machines, this is demoralizing!

  • Do you have any plans defined to solve this issue?

    I encouter similar issues with webkit on Arch Linux:

    /home/al/src/connectiq-sdk/bin/simulator: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: ucol_getLocaleByType_64

    I also had to manually install old libraries and do some manual symlinks to new library version to come to that blocking point.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I've checked the missing libraries and installed libraries compiled for newer versions. I'm not sure if simulator links will be updated but libraries with newer file structure works fine on Kubuntu.

  • Guess i should have known this before trying the simulator. At least add a note on the programmer guide to advise against newer linux distros.

    Any predictions when the libs will be updated.

  • I upgraded my Kubuntu version to 19.10 and later tried to install everything again. This time I succeeded installing libpng12 libray successfully. The issue was older version .deb libraries had a different folder structure than current versions, so libpng12 installation wasn't successful. I found a version that's compiled with newer file structure, so everything seem to work now.